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Do you need to "earth".....


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....ceiling lights with metal parts?

I seem to remember this was a big thing that you had to do in the UK if you didn't plan on being electrocuted.

Don't worry, I am not thinking of putting up the lights myself.  Will be employing someone who knows what they are doing.  However, I don't want to sound completely clueless and would like to at least be able to ask intelligent questions [:)]

Many thanks.

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In the UK in the "old days" lighting circuits did not include an earth wire and I think the reasoning was that the fittings were out of reach so it didn't matter!! Nowadays UK and France (and others) specify an earth as obligatory. Some lighting fittings, usually plastic, are marked with a double-insulated symbol (2 squares, one within the other) and these do not need to be connected to the earth, in fact should not be connected. But metal fittings will have an earth connection and if one is provided it should be used.

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Ah, so this is going to be one of those 2 steps forward, 1 step back exercise then?

I am the proud owner, grace à leboncoin, of 2 very beautiful Murano crystal pendant lights.  As they are at least 40 years old (belonged to the seller's mother who died earlier this year), they only have 2 wires.

Can you imagine the conversation, Sid, when I ask the electricien whether I should have trois fils?  Would he not surely ask why I need more than the 2 already attached to the lamps?[:-))]

Perhaps I should have asked what the mother died of?

No, NOT a good joke but it wasn't meant in a spirit of nastiness.....

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OK Sweet, I see the dilemma. I thought it was going to be the other way round, that is, new fittings but no earth cabling in the ceiling.

In your case I'm not sure what to do, but there must be thousands of homes exactly like that. You need to check that you have a modern "tableau" with all of the circuits protected by one or more "differentials" (really, residual current devices) which will switch off the circuit if there is an imbalance between the "phase" and the "neutre" as this could indicate that current is leaking away through the body of a person who is touching an exposed live part. differentials are identified by having a "test" button which you're supposed to check once a month.

As for earthing the light fittings I'd advise asking the electrician's advice if there isn't a terminal already provided. Sorry to be so vague in the end!

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Strangely enough, Sid, we have 2 houses in one in that the original, small house was built in 1990 and the new extension only a few years ago.  Now, both the places in the ceiling where the lights are to go, one in the old bit of the house and one in the new, only have 2 bits of wires each.

You still with me there?[:D]

We have not one, but two tableaux, in the garage and I leave it to OH whenever there is a problem to sort out which board belongs to which bit of the house.  Both boards have many, many bits and bobs, switches and levers and heaven help me if anything trips and I am in the dark and OH isn't around to twiddle things to get the lights back on.

We tested the lights today and both work superbly so I guess I just have to ask the electricien exactly what is required and how to make everything safe.

Many thanks indeed for your interest and advice.  

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You should be ok Sweets if they are used upstairs because that's nowhere near earth because earth is only on the ground floor [Www] I love the old french wiring [:D]

Seriously you should have the lights re wired and an earth tag attached at a suitable point (discrete and out of the way but functional)  If you have a interrupter differential (sp) then the system would be safe as it would sense the difference between the current going out and returning (possibly via you!) and switch the circuit off, all this would happen before you even noticed it. 

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[quote user="Théière"]A two tier barrel Norman? or just a mezzanine [:D][/quote]

Oh, Teapot, how you made me laugh at the thought (yes, I have a vivid imagination) of a barrel with a mezzanine![:D][:D][:D]

But, back on topic, I am going to email the previous owner and ask him about the wiring circuits and any "earth" when he upgraded and extended the property that he originally bought.

I am also trying to persuade someone to sell me an art nouveau ceiling lamp for our sitting-room and I hope I'll have better luck trying to persuade an electricien to come and poser trois lustres than if I just want him to put up a couple of lights [:)]

Ah, ah, the English is getting worser and worser and the French is not getting any betterer.......... 

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