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planning permission for new build


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Hi Woody,

   I'm not an expert at all, but one thing I will advise is if you are interested in a piece of land for sale is to consult somebody at the Mairie of the commune where the land is and find out what the zones are. It can vary from commune to commune. If the land has a Certificate d'Urbanisme, in principle, it can be built on, but having said that, it's not a document set in stone, as I found out with our land.

   You may want to glance over this thread  www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/710793/ShowPost.aspx to give an idea of hiccups that can arise if information isn't properly researched.

   Others maybe able to answer your question better if you said where the land is. I can't answer if most people get Planning Permission or if the authorities are tough on new builds, but by judging how many are going up in our commune, I would say no.

Hope this helps,


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the land is in deux sevres, ive got a C U for converting my barn but i think for the same price i could build a new house next to the barn that is better to heat in the winter, i read the other post and i think it was interesting but as i have found out in the last week a C U is not planning permission, the permis de construire is planning permission, i wonder if  ive got a C U to convert my barn already  could I get a permis de construire for a new build since its on the same plot
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Sounds like you need a trip to the Mairie. On the face of it you would probably get a P de C for a house, but it may depend on how big your terrain is. If you want to do some homework before talking to the authorities you need to know how big your plot is, whether it is zoned for construction and what the Coefficient d'Occupation du Sol (COS) is. This last bit defines how much floor area a house on the site can occupy compared to the whole site.

I'd expect all this information to be somewhere in your CU. When we got our CU the notes that came with the application form included a summary of things like the standard COS for different zones and restrictions on things like eaves and ridge height. You might need to look at the Plan d'Occupation des Sols (POS) which gives the detailed rules for your commune.

I presume that you already know that building a house bigger than 170 sq m SHON requires an architect.

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the notes on the C U say

1  les frais de raccordements aux divers reseaux  (eau , electric) sont a la charge du constructeur

2  la filiere d'assainissement autonome proposee au moment du depot permis de construire devra recevoir l'accord de la commune (loi sur l'eau du 3 janvier 1992)

does anyone know what these mean

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