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TVA on replacement fosse to be compliant


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I t is now 7% on reparations -repairs provided that your house was built a few -not too many years ago and as the fosse is a"repair renovation you should check with your artisan and he should give you a for -attestation that he keeps to show he charged you the 7%. The devis should also show the correct level of TVA.. Good lucj. We are currently awaiting the reult of an etude as we are in a zone inondable  deside the \Charente river. please excuse errors of spelling as I dont know how to fix them. Bon courage
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yes 7 percent now, but I have a feeling its going up again in the autumn, maybe someone can confirm that is the case.

not sure if you just have to get the devis or the final invoice done by the  change over date.



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