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Selling our flat. Advice sought.

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After 6 years we have decided to sell our flat in Languedoc.  We feel we want more varied travel experiences.

Any advice on selling is welcome, ie methodology, web sites, tips, pitfalls etc.

We would also be interested in views on the current Languedoc property market.




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Where in Languedoc. We have some property in that region beside the sea. It depends very much on the detail of your property, location size, condition, age of the property and a host of other details. Does the property have foreign appeal etc.


Generally we have found that property has declined in 66 by 10% to 15% in the last 12 months. I think apartments have fallen 1.7% in January 2008 nationally.



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On another forum I have just mentioned we had sold in 4 weeks by advertising in www.pap.fr and putting a large A vendre sign outside the house with the web site address and our phone number.  When anyone phoned, I directed them to the website putting in the reference number for our property. We have sold two  properties previously on that site.  Its 75 euros for 3 weeks appearance.  In each case though we sought French buyers so you need to have a good grasp in French  of the whole negotiation and selling process. Its less awful though than paying 5% to an agent!  The popular UK property sites didnt produce anything at all as it appears the British are not buying at the moment, and those that are, want their hand held by an agent and are nervous of buying on their own directly.


Anyway good luck.


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