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Attestation de non-contestation

Daft Doctor

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Hi, we had our house built last year and into this, and the declaration d'achèvement des travaux was sent to the Mairie in mid-March. The finished article had a few minor changes to the facades, being mainly altered position/number of windows, etc, but didn't differ materially from the plans submitted and approved in the permis de construire.

The statutory 5 month period for inspections by the Mairie elapsed with no word, so after a further month, I applied (delivered by hand with stamped copy as proof of delivery) on a standard letter template for an 'attestation de non-contestation de la conformité des travaux'. The Mairie are meant to send this out within 15 days of request, but a full month later it has not arrived.

The regulations say that if the Mairie doesn't issue this attestation, it can be obtained by applying instead to the prefecture. The question I am asking I suppose is whether this piece of paper is important to obtain, or whether (as with the PC in many cases), a lack of response is as good as having the piece of paper and I should just forget it.

I hope that those who have undergone the building process might give me their take on this, though I realise that how things work in practice may well alter from department to department and even between communes. Thanks in advance.
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Not yet EuroTrash, but I will do that before bothering the prefecture. In my letter I did ask for the attestation to be sent to our current address, but they may have ignored that and simply sent it to the address on the PC, from which (being our address before last) we no longer get redirection. I will head to the Mairie tomorrow to find out more!
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Hi Pommier, interestingly enough, although the PC was granted in January 2013 we have not yet received any demands for the taxe d'amenagement, which as you say should have been paid 50% in January each of 2014 & 2015. I know that no demands have been sent out, as my friend owns the address that is on the original PC dossier and I get mail given over to me by them, last in September. I'm expecting a bill for the full amount in January, though have no idea what the department and commune taux are/will be. I might ask that at the Mairie when I'm there.
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