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Complete France Forum

Redevance Audiovisuelle 2008

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Has any one else received a letter with this heading  ?

With my few language skills that I have I have worked out that its something to do with the TV liecence. I think its saying that I have paid my licence in with my Taxe d'habitation but if I dont have a telly I can claim the money back . I do have a telly so its not nessercassy. but Im not one hundred percent sure if Im meant to send it back as there is 4 questions at the bottom for me to tick one and sign. It seems to be asking if i have a second home or principle home and weather I have a telly or not and weather any one else lives there ??

It is my second home , no one lives there , I do have a telly , if any one else has this letter will they comfirm which Im meant to tick , or do I just leave it as im not claiming anything back?

Many thanks [:)]

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Yes, we've received one. My understanding of the situation is this; if you are living in France and have a second home in France (and both have TVs), then you can use this form to ensure that you only pay for one TV licence. Similarly the form is to be returned if you are not living in France but have a second home there that has NO TV, so that you are not charged for the TV licence.

Again similarly, the form is to be returned if you are not living in France but have two or more homes in France with TVs so that you can designate to which address the TV licence will be charged (as you are only liable to pay once).

If, however, you do not live in France but have (only!) one second home there, and it has a TV, then you do NOT need to return the form: essentially in this circumstance you are liable for the TV licence at that property and cannot claim any relief.



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