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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]Quillan, sweetie, my comment was no more sexist than your original one! I'm a textile technologist by training, so if we are having a p***ing contest, I can also operate an industrial weaving loom, spinning machine, carding machine and knitting machine (not the inky-dinky little ones that you get at home) and once upon a time I could shear a sheep, and as my mum was a fashion designer I got my first sewing machine aged seven. I always thought Roger Moore earned his reputation as a knitwear model, rather than knocking up his own cardies... Although apparently Laurence Fishburn and Russell Crowe can knit a lovely matinee coat.[/quote]


Calm down dear I am simply point out that anything a woman can do on the domestic front a man can do. As to an industrial weaving loom, well it can't be that hard because children use to do it years ago. I wonder if you could also run the steam engine that powered your llom?

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I dunno...child labour and steam driven "lloms" we're both long gone by the time I was born. Even as a child, we had our chimneys swept by an adult.

I can take lots of bits of a loom apart and put them back together again, though, if that helps! ?
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" anything a woman can do on the domestic front a man can do."

But the point surely here is that maybe he can, but most likely he won't, 'cos that is what stereotyping does for us ... along with lessons at school certainly when I was young aimed at reinforcing the idea of men's and women's jobs being entirely different and needing entirely different skill sets.

So well done Betty - I'm awed by what you can do, even if no-one else is (sorry Mint, seen you are impressed too!). 


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[quote user="Judith"]" But the point surely here is that maybe he can, but most likely he won't, 'cos that is what stereotyping does for us ...  


Well there is a load of 'stereo typing' in France thats for sure and a lot of sexism. Yet again the French parliment has been asked to drop the TVA on womens tampon from 20% to 5% and yet again the predominantly mae MP's have voted not to do so. The defining statement for this very sad decission was that men pay 20% TVA on shaving cream so why shouldn't women pay 20% on tampons. You have to laugh somethimes at people stupidity. Would love to see a French male MP trying to have a shave with a tampon.

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