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  1. To say "Until 1st October 2007, .  Comprehensive health insurance was not even an option. " is not true The correct version would be that "for the limited period between 2000 and 2007  UK nationals wishing to become resident in France were obliged, under French law, to affiliate, and where appropriate, contribute to the CMU. For those resident before 2000, Private Health Insurance was an option which was temporarily withdrawn, and will become an option again."
  2. [quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="groslard"][quote user="makfai"]Which bits on the FHI site are wrong?   By the way...UK is not just a residence criterion as you will see from the FHI site. [/quote] a simple example: "Until 1st October 2007, UK nationals wishing to become resident in France were obliged, under French law, to affiliate, and where appropriate, contribute to the CMU.  Comprehensive health insurance was not even an option. " Absolutely not true! I paid Private Health Insurance from 1995 to 1998, when I qualified for the Sécu (NOT the CMU) by cotisations.. And I have never been affiliated to the CMU. [/quote] Are you saying that private health insurance was an allowable option after the 2000 ruling? My understanding is that early retired immigrants from UK had, BY LAW, to be affiliated to the CMU and that PHI was not allowed. Am I wrong? A simple yes or no to each quesion will suffice. [/quote] No they could work, or run a business. the only had to join the CMU if they  didn't want to do that, so it was a choice to remain idle. Remember these are people under retiremernt age by definition.   and that PHI was not allowed. True
  3. [quote user="Will"][quote user="groslard"]This is a UK problem, not a French one. [/quote] How can it be? Britain hasn't changed anything - it's the French that have changed things, according to them, in line with European residence rules. In fact Britain is far more generous to its early retired by giving them a nominal two years of E106 cover. Few other countries offer that. [/quote] Well the problem is that Britain doesn't cover people between the end of the E106 and the start of the E121. That is a British decision . I personally am lobbying for the end of both these allowances, since they are illogical given that NHS cover is for people 'normally resident in the UK' I hope a future Government  will take the bull by the horns and cut off all allowances from people who have decided to cut  themselves off from Britain, and who are the only retirees in Europe who expect to have a first-class Health Service, into which they haven't paid all their working lives, and for which they don't pay now
  4. [quote user="Russethouse"]Where ? T It is further discriminatory and illogical to penalize those who you actually have to support for 2 years less than other Europeans. [/quote] Other Europeans pay for their Health care..
  5. [quote user="makfai"]Which bits on the FHI site are wrong?   By the way...UK is not just a residence criterion as you will see from the FHI site. [/quote] a simple example: "Until 1st October 2007, UK nationals wishing to become resident in France were obliged, under French law, to affiliate, and where appropriate, contribute to the CMU.  Comprehensive health insurance was not even an option. " Absolutely not true! I paid Private Health Insurance from 1995 to 1998, when I qualified for the Sécu (NOT the CMU) by cotisations.. And I have never been affiliated to the CMU.
  6. But the site implies that it is true for all of us here before 2000..which is not the case.. Perhaps foresight for those of us who bothered to work and get into the system wasn't so bad either..
  7. Here or there? I have already posted a more balanced view: The standard  ways of getting Health Cover in France are by paying contributions, not by right of residence, as with the NHS in the UK The CMU is not the normal way of obtaining cover, and is not synonymous with the NHS. There was a atypical period between 2000 and 2007, when British immigrants were allowed into it, but for those who arrived before and those will will arrive after that period , that is not the case. EMPLOYED If you are employed, and pay the appropriate cotisations, then you can enter or remain in the French system and will enjoy the same rights as a French national, similarly employed. BUSINESS If you run a registered business, and are paying cotisations, you can enter or remain in the French system and will enjoy the same rights as a French national running a similar business. THE  RETIRED Anybody who has an E121 is unaffected. THE EARLY RETIRED Anybody arriving in France with an E106, or anybody currently on an E106, will benefit from  healthcare  paid for by the UK for the duration of the validity of their E106.  Immediately after this time the UK will no longer pay.  They will then have to take out full private health insurance, to cover them until UK state pensionable age and/or receipt of an E121. This insurance must comply with the French specifications, detailed here http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/WAspad/UnArticleDeCode?code=CSECSOCL.rcv&art=L321-1 Anybody with a pre-existing or chronic medical condition, may appeal to be allowed to join the CMU.  The conditions for these appeals are clear.  Anybody whose appeal is successful on this basis, will also get cover for their dependents. Anybody contributing to, or benefiting from, the CMU up to and including 23.11.07 will now be able to remain with it. Anybody arriving in France without an E106 will have to take out private insurance immediately. French insurance companies are beginning to offer full health care packages. FRENCH RESIDENCY After 5 years permanent, legal and uninterrupted residence, guaranteed entry into the CMU.  SIGNING ON There is potential to "sign on" as unemployed in France. If you have already worked  and paid enough contributions  to enter the system  this may qualify you for benefits through the French system (CMU)  However, this is dependent upon financial and employment status so may be of limited interest.
  8. The problem with the site is that is riddled with inaccuracies..so it can't be taken seriously!
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