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  1. I hope you have been able to find someone in this time If not or if anyone else needs any help, let me know
  2. I would bet if taking stuff back in your own car you wont be checked anything is possible though but it wouldn't deter me I have just returned to our france place from Uk with a car load of bits I was actually stopped by the Douanes going out for driving a UK reg'd car! contents never checked, I was asked if I was taking over any drugs.
  3. Did you get sorted with a line etc? If not i'd go down the 4G route Satellite wise, your dish should be ok, needs aligning, where about are you?
  4. Apologies for opening an old thread but..... Am sorry to learn recently of Tims passing (Kaylin Computers), condolences to Lin his wife who I believe has moved on from their home in Deux Sevres
  5. Cornwall, overrated? possibly Everywhere is a pain to get to, parking is extortionate, restaurants over priced. I preferred living north coast than south but preferred the sea views of the south, no boats on the north coast. People seemed friendlier in the north but most were incomers and that was prior to 2016 vote, who knows now. But its much milder than much of rural France in winter, thats why we chose Cornwall and Finistere. Each to their own as they say
  6. Been in / out france since 2004. Moved around a bit, moved to Cornwall since then and now a place in both UK/France. Felt okay in Cornwall until 2016, since then theres been a sense of being a foreigner there, I know I am in France but didn't feel like one. In Cornwall, I have been told to go back where I came from when someone heard me saying brexit was a bad idea. In lockdown early 2020 my neighbour mentioned it might be better if I was at my other place, only locals allowed in the shop (It had been our main home but spent more time in France), they said this a week after I offered to do their shopping, they didn't drive so I offered to do it or take them. At our place in France during same lockdown I found out a neighbour had cut our grass and hedges, better than it had ever been, we haven't spoke much, he doesn't understand a word I say (I get same in Cornwall) and me same with his, he speaks so fast. Am told hes happy we bought, previous tenants had not looked after the place and treated it like a decheterie Have to say I have had good response from the locals in Brittany, the friendliest I have noticed in my 17 years and 5 departments.
  7. if in reply to my post Its only 2 and so I don't have to pay the high band road tax really - I am, just not 'officially'
  8. I (non resident) registered 2 vehicles at our place last year via ANTS, registered using mobile no. and email etc Just tried logging in and my details unknown! Did another registration process and this time to register a vehicle it has now asked for my franceConnect info which I dont have (yet). If I need to I can ask a neighbour or a garage. Shame, I preferred the process to the old way of visiting the prefecture and queuing up.
  9. Nice to see Tim (Kaylin Computers) posting again, not seen/heard from him in a while I'd be inclined to uninstall (or restore to an earlier time) the roxio software and try some other software nero or there are many free cd writing softwares available to download Maybe directcd is installed and causing problems with disc reading Uninstall the roxio stuff and try something else.
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