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  1. Who are you inviting? You're not very specific, you know you could end up with the whole Forum turning up if you're not careful. I'm in Charente.
  2. It was my favourite show and Eddie was my hero. I'm willing to give it a go and take his place if they make a new series, but unfortunately I'm a little girl.....................do you think they'd notice. I also speak with a Manchester accent so I'd go well with Daphne ( although HER Manchester accent is truly dire! ).
  3. Me too......... That's definitely the end of an era then!  Long may the repeats be shown.
  4. ....and I'd applaud too if I wasn't so busy creating......... It's been a good week so far [:D]
  5. Cassis, your squashed heads are brilliant. Do you sell them? ( can't remember if you mentioned this earlier )  
  6. How do I make my photos bigger? I'm using Photobucket.com and they all come out this size! You cannot appreciate how truly great my latest creation is unless it is bigger....honest injun.........( oops )
  7. Well Cassis, I apologise for thinking you were a woman!!  It was the truly exceptional nature of your works that led me to believe they had been created by a higher species. I mentioned earlier in the thread that I would be making my next creation out of an old washing up liquid bottle and some sticky back plastic and here it is................   Personally Cassis, I too would resent any implication that I was cheating!!!
  8. You can both be 100% behind an idea in theory, it's the practice that seems to cause the problems for some. You can't know how it will feel to 'live in France' until you 'live in France'. You can't know what you will miss until you no longer have it. With the best will in the world some ideas which seem great at the time will end up not quite right for some people. If everyone was able to know what the outcome of their new adventures would be there'd be no anticipation and excitement. The key is knowing when you've made a mistake and doing something about it. Not so easy when 'he' loves it and 'she' doesn't as appears to be the case.Anyway, I'm having a great day.....see The Lighter Side thread on Mr Potato Head.
  9. Yes, his legs are corn on the cob holders, his tail and mane are a pair of curtain tassles and his eyes, nose and mouth are pins!! Now you have all my secrets! As for Darth Vader Potato Head, has nobody else noticed he's an egg???  What an imposter!! I'll second the idea of having a contest for home made 'anythings'. The winner should receive EVERYTHING that's been entered. Cassis - you must be a posh bird if you've never shopped at Wilko's! ( hope you are a bird! ) Must go, got to sort out my empty Squeezy bottle and the sticky back plastic for later. Got some friends coming round, we're all going to have a go at something and post the results on here.......come on everyone, go for it! By the way....this is the second day in a row I've not been bored!! [:D]
  10. C'est vrai!  I slept the sleep of the smug better half!
  11. Mais Oui M. Owens, but the issue here perhaps isn't 'where' we've retired to after all, but the age at which we've retired. Was it too soon and would I have appreciated rural France better at 60?
  12. I use an English hairdresser as it's much easier to explain what I want ( there is currently a limit to my French! ). She states categorically that it's the women who generally want to go back to the UK not the men. The women she sees in her salon ( in rural France ) mostly say they haven't enough to interest them, whilst the men are quite happy pottering about and doing very little. Something about their ability/need to multi task perhaps............ Don't shoot the messenger, the Hairdresser said it, although I can say from personal experience it's true of my hubbie and I. Alarmingly, we have English neighbours who spend about 8 months a year here and have done so for quite a few years. The hubbie needed a number of operations last time they were in the UK and the wife quietly told me that although she wished him better, she was secretly glad when the treatment dragged on as it meant she didn't have to come back to France so soon!
  13. Hope this helps!  Off to my bed now, night all x   Our English-speaking help line France Telecom Paris has opened an 0800 number (toll-free call) intended to cater for the needs of the English-speaking community all over France. This department is dedicated to commercial operations. Concerning technical  problems please contact  1013 (free toll call). Among the services offered : - information and advice about available products and services (internet or fixed line) ; - information and advice about billing and payment ; - turn-on and termination of all France Telecom services for residential customers all over France (analogic and ADSL line, cable television , discount plans, services such as call waiting, caller ID,  etc...). This service is open Monday to Saturday from 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM. To reach this service from abroad simply dial : + 33 1 55 78 60 56 english speaking hotline + 33 1 55 78 60 34 french speaking hotline.
  14. Dotty, There's an English speaking helpline number for France Telecom. Do you want me to dig it out for you in case you need it again?
  15. He was too busy laughing to be miffed! He's planning a big comeback when his second row of spuds come up tomorrow. I'll post it if we get some other pictures!
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