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  1. Oh dear, I think my reply above might have been a bit hasty and uncompromising. So let's see if we can get anyone on the forum to chip in for your flowers, shall we? Come on, everyone, who will make a contribution to Norman's flower fund? Wooly, you being Norman's bestie? Plus all on here who have benefited from Norman's sage advice over the years and all those who have enjoyed his limericks and music and poems? I offer to do the collecting and take charge of all the monies....🙂
  2. I think white roses would cost an arm and a leg at the fleuriste. So, I'm afraid, my dear Norman, that you'd have to help yourself to them "au grand jardin là-bas"😂
  3. Er......which are your favourite flowers? Nothing too expensive mind😝
  4. What a survivor you are, Norman! My MT seems to be au courant with all my different investigations so I presume he gets a copy of what I get. Maybe the surgeon I see takes that little bit more care to communicate. I notice that if I have something to tell him, he looks AWAY from his computer screen and actually looks at me and, usually, asks questions or answers MY questions clearly with an opportunity to counter with extra questions or demands for more explanation. There was even once, when I was at my lowest, when he wrote to explain the findings of a pathology report and wished me a rapid recovery. Now THAT did surprise me enormously! Having said that, the only other specialist I see, besides the ophthalmologue (who doesn't count now that he's removed my cataracts and I don't bother to "see" him regularly) is the pneunmologue who gives me detailed written findings of the tests and consultation with a note to say it is my reponsibility to show the report to my MT. Maybe, on account of the more populated area where you live, there is that much more pressure on medical personel and they are unable to do all the "extras" like communicating with patients! NOT good practice but we must just hope that they are all doing their best for their patients.
  5. I thought I'd just describe my latest procedure to emphasis my point of there being excellent service and lots of information. Saw the surgeon who has been anually reviewing my "état de santé" for the last 7 years following cancer. I had a potential problem when I saw him beginning of this month. He gave me an ordonnance for échographie, a rdv for next year's check-up plus a bon de transport for the rdv. He is based in Périgueux. Went to get the écho in the town about 5 km from home. As I wanted a particular doctor to do the procedure and as he was on holiday, I had to wait about 3 weeks to have the écho done. Anyway, écho was done last Thursday and I was reassured that there was no anomaly and that all was well. We discussed my symptoms and the doctor emphasised that he could not see any growth or metastases. So, I skipped off home, happy and carefree as Larry and thought no more about the éco or the consulation. Bear in mind this was Thursday. By Friday, the surgeon having received my results, wrote me a letter which came by post today. In it he reasured me that there was "pas de lésion suspecte" and said he'd see me next year as arranged. Needless to say, I am hugely impressed by how everything has been managed and so I thought I'd tell this to people on the forum. I do believe that there are variations in the service but must, for reasons of fairness, repeat that I have so far received nothing but kind, careful and efficient service.
  6. Well, it was cold here, certainly colder than I expected, with a strong wind with a bit of a bite. But certainly not as cold as those temperatures you have quoted. Needed some heating on for OH and I needed a thicker sweater. Today, warmth in the air and some occasional sunshine.
  7. Lehaut, I read the article ONLY because of OH's having had a problem as described. I already knew about the four principal signs to look out for, etc. as in the article. Indeed, we both keep fit in all sorts of ways and most meals are prepared by me at home, juggling proteins, cabohydrates etc. In fact, my cooking is complicated by OH not eating any meat. I do know of many people with "cardique fatique" and almost all are younger than OH (not difficult, because OH is really, really old!) It is undeniable that we are an aging population and the cardiologie in the hospitals near us are chock a bloc with people being treated and RdVs being difficult to get. So I am ready to concede that this is an inevitable condition of aging. What I believe does matter is that all the efforts you make in terms of leading an active life-style CAN swing things in your favour and that life style and general fitness (healthy mind and body) could determine the outcome of whatever illness befalls you. I am pleased to tell you, Lehaut, that OH's condition was dire and rétablissement was slow and uncertain, but in the last 2 weeks, he is back to driving himself to his table tennis club and that there are still people there who wants to play with him! I am a huge advocate of watching your weight, eating sensibly and enjoyably, getting enough rest and keeping your mind sharp and engaged. We can't help getting old but we can ward off some of the nastier aspects of old age. Anyone thinks otherwise?
  8. https://www.futura-sciences.com/sante/questions-reponses/maladies-cardiovasculaires-insuffisance-cardiaque-voici-ces-quatre-symptomes-doivent-vous-alerter-21230/?utm_source=pocket-newtab apologies. it's either third time lucky or you will just have to risk ticker trouble....uuuggghhhhh...frustrated!
  9. Thttps://www.futura-sciences.com/sante/questions-reponses/maladies-cardiovasculaires-insuffisance-cardiaque-voici-ces-quatre-symptomes-doivent-vous-alerter-21230/?utm_source=pocket-newtab-fr-frested but the link is not complete. Here is the complete version, I hope but will test.
  10. Wasn't this the sort of question some elderly retired somebody or other was supposed to ask each other? https://www.futura-sciences.com/sante/questions-reponses/maladies-cardiovasculaires-insuffisance-cardiaque-voici-ces-quatre-symptomes-doivent- I have been much more aware of this problem of the elderly recently since OH was hospitalised, diagnosed, treated and discharged with half a pharmacie's contents to be taken daily. So I hope the article is of interest and help to someone out there.
  11. Thank you, ssomon, how like you to know all the details and more about stuff like this🙂 I will indeed look at your link and be a bit more methodical about my own researches.
  12. Definitely NOT! What M Crapaud de Maison Crapaud? Let the man have some dignity.....toot toot...🙂
  13. Further to Norman's post: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/sep/26/covid-on-the-rise-as-experts-say-england-has-capitulated-to-the-virus Can Norman or someone else tell me, is the new vaccine a combined flu and covid one or are two jabs involved?
  14. Thank you very much indeed, Polarengineer, for explaining it all so well😃 From the information on your post, I don't think we would benefit from a heat pump. From all the different perspectives you have so explicitly pointed out. No radiators, underfloor heating, boiler etc. but we do have a dehumidifier and I do use the water on my geraniums...so I will score 1 point for myself!
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