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  1. Never use Facebook myself either it's not really my thing , et I agree many posts Iv read and there are no endings but that may be because the op has been offended..... maybe maybe not ... Great advice from everyone and I do think any challenge can be overcome it may take a little longer or through a different route / process Here's one to make you all squirm we have no septic fosset aaarrrrrgggghhhhh but that's ok by me we will have one one day Ps bought the van the caravan and pretty much a full building site of tools ....
  2. Love this lehaut my point exactly ride the waves the dream is still yours
  3. Hi et good post that , so what you have posted has struck a chord with me ? I think the personality of the poster definitely has a part to play, I'm a glass half full girl I'm also a true believer in hard work for gains and the life we want to live but I'm also very honest love my life where positivity brings positivity , I know from my career building a highly stressful business in a critical sector where people come first and matter the most gives me the mindset of always treating people how I'd like to be treated and allows me to be a kinder better person, I'm also a true believer in speaking my mind but in a tactful way ( non offensive or bubble bursting) , my reaction possibly came from having read so many posts on most of the French forums and Iv read many of your replies and posts et, a lot of questions people ask are shot down right there and then don't do it etc etc , informative and constructive info is what I / we newbies are looking for and you do give that but there is a lot where it's jumped on and popped the bubble , yes advice that's relevant and it is Iv gained so much info but it's taken me so long to register and post because I knew from reading what reaction I'd get and that is what I got ( as well as really good advice and I thank you all ) I know the post your referring to Iv read it and the info is great that was given maybe just throw in a few happier points , everyone is on this forum because of a shared interest.... france . Some had their dream years ago some are just dreaming some are die hard French residents, I think if someone chooses to make the move / buy a house whatever and it doesn't work out for whatever reason that's just part of it , 20 people saying don't do this and that won't stop it it will just stop them using the forum and lurking reading instead, No one can tell another person what to do they can ( as lots have to ) give honest advice about the situation but I can't tell mrs jones mot to open a chip shop down the road because there's already 50 in the city she may make the best chips in the uk and end up with a whole franchise.... Sorry I'm a chatter box .... long post
  4. Morning albf Of course I agree to do things by the book , the business I'm in is a mind field of legislation rules policies etc so I'm very strict and resilient and shall we say not behind the door , I'm fully aware of French rules and regs etc can be / ate a mind field but I'm ready for the challenges ahead and will do as required/expected it's not in my nature not to I / we think France is the right country for us for now on life's journey, probably not forever as the world is huge and I'd like to see where I end up , we have spent lots of time in France ( and many many other countries) and have been on a property hunt for roughly 2 /3 years, last summer we traveled all over France without a plan in a converted van , yes I / we love France for lots of reasons , and for now yes it feels right , ask the same question in a few years and the answer may not be the same I may be off somewhere else following another dream ..... Enjoy your day
  5. Hi I was just saying be kinder don't shatter people's Impression of their dreams I'm not just talking about my post Iv read so many when the op has been shot down on a varied amount of topics , yes advice from people who dream create and live to tell the tale not miserable keyboard warriors telling them their aspirations and plans will fail before they get off the ground( no doubt these people have not ventured on the same journey and that's fine too ) , not every business works out in every sector for every person but that is their journey we live and learn ... all part of the journey.... so what if I wanted to have gites as my main source of income and it didn't work ... my journey to learn and grow from ... and we do have professional advice thanks for the tip though ,i just wanted a chat with people associated with France and people who are or who have achieved ( or not ) the same or similar adventurers as our plans while feeling excited about the next couple of years planning ,building, renovating living , comparing scenarios encountered. The current world wide pandemic is a reminder every day for me that life can be short, live it your way don't rubbish people's ideas be kinder and offer genuine helpful comments, it's the pandemic that is delaying us moving forward I just want to come to my new pile of dreams and make it shine again, and we will do just that , I'd love to hear other members stories of their journeys good and bad it's all part of the life we create for ourselves Enjoy the rest of your evening fellow members and thanks for taking the time to reply
  6. Hi everyone Some of the responses on these forums are comical, I get everyone has an opinion but don't shoot down people's dreams , I came here for some general advice after a lot of reading and researching, some of the replies are spot on and some could be deemed as really negative , I haven't explained our background or our circumstances I'm not planning on making a fortune as I already have that from my extremely successful business here in the U.K. Yes it will be a lovely holiday home for us once we have had the PLEASURE of completing the renovation and bringing an old and wonderful building back to life , yes it will be a hobby that we can throw as much money as we choose too because we can and that is what we want to do and is a dream we are fulfilling because we want to , the gites too will be hobby and a lovely place to stay for our family members etc and the odd paying guests when we choose to be available for such arrangements , I hope that's stopped all the negative people from blowing steam from their ears .... calm down people , if I want 10 gites I will do no one else has to worry and please people be kinder , think about your replies to new members some may not have as thick a skin as I do , don't just squash someone's dream it's their choice to take a chance in life Thanks everyone Be kind ❤️
  7. Thanks everyone your replies are much appreciated We won't be using an architect as we have the plans sorted but just need to be able to visit to finalise a few things which at the moment is not possible due to covid restrictions, we will continue with our plan for gites but thank you for your advice ( even if a little blunt ) , the plan is my OH to be based on site in a caravan for the most of the work, yes we can have a caravan on the land so this won't be a problem, Any other useful tips ideas warnings etc are very welcome Thanks
  8. Hi everyone I have been lurking around for a while reading and researching and have finally joined, Iv found this site really useful but just have some questions if anyone would be so kind to direct me to the answers I require We have very recently completed on our French property a very very old farmhouse that has a large barn attached, we will need to completely renovate the whole place with a plan of having our own space in the current house part and turning the barn into a garage / workshop plus 2or 3 gites. We need to have all utilities and fosse installed / connected and will also have a pool but that will be the last job. My question is in regards to planning and timings etc , we will struggle to get to France due to the current situation but would like to get the planning side started , I am aware of some of the rules etc but does anyone have any info on when to start the process of planning and in what order would you recommend for the Work Iv listed and do we just send in 1 planning application for the job as a whole i.e. House reconfigure, change of doors windows, adding doors windows , pool ,fosse ( does that need to be on the plans )? All advice very welcome Thanks
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