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  1. Well done, JB. Do you know which mast you're connecting to? and what speeds are you getting? On my side of the 912, the HuaCtrl App tells me my Huawei B525 is getting Sosh 4G from a little north of La Villaubrun, about 40 Mbs download and 8-9 Mbs upload. Free certainly sounds attractive with 150 GB!!!!
  2. Still somewhat confused. I've posted a message in the Sosh forum to see if they have any more info. But thanks for your help - I'll re-post when (if) I figure it out ?
  3. Thanks - I'll have another go when I've got the chance.
  4. Thanks, Kong - I got as far as "Locate the tab 'equipment'" but then couldn't get any further, couldn't see any reference to 'renvoi d'appel'. When I did a search on that, it seemed to refer just to call forwarding.
  5. I've managed to get my Huawei 4G router and Gigaset A420 connected to the RJ12  socket working pretty well, showing caller ID and all - but what I can't do is to beat the SOSH /Orange answer machine. Does anybody know how i can extend the number of rings before the Orange messagerie cuts in so that my base station answerphone can beat it to the draw? Remember, this is to all intents and purposes a mobile phone and not a landline - grateful for any help. Thanks, Iain - (was CastAway but changed ID for reasons too complicated and boring to relate)
  6. Well done, Johnnyboy! Everything's working superbly so far and the few voice calls I've made to test the use of a standard phone in the RJ11 socket have been crystal clear compared with the Orange landline, where it always seems as if we're conducting conversations underwater while the bells of Notre Dame Cathedral resonate in the background. No wonder we couldn't even sustain dial-up on the Orange landline!!! The only thing that has taken a little icing off a very nice cake is that Sosh have come up with a special offer today where the 50 GB package I signed up for at 24.99 € is on special offer for 9.99 € for the first 12 months - still, mustn't grumble.......GRRRRR
  7. Yes, it was the map that solved it for me - just didn't believe the information at first! Thanks again for starting this thread - I can't believe I've got rid of satellite at last.
  8. Thanks, Martin, 4G certainly looks like changing my life. It's a confusing technology to get to grips with at first - we've just discovered the nearby visible mast that we've been at great pains to set up our routers in the best position for with our SOSH cards doesn't actually have Orange(!) despite what we were told - I'm obviously getting my 5 bars from somewhere else, but who cares, it's working!
  9. Thanks for your encouragement, Sue. I consider myself as pretty IT savvy, but the big hole in my knowledge has been mobile phone technology - didn't even possess a smart phone until last year. Easier than I thought! Iain
  10. Just to say thanks to all the people who have contributed to this thread and made me get up off my backside and buy a Huawei B525s-23a 4G Router and a SOSH sim card, resulting in me now having reasonably fast and stable (so far) internet connection at almost half what I was paying before for a woefully poor satellite internet service. Special thanks to my friend and near-neighbour Johnnyboy, who set up his SOSH equipped router in my attic to prove that I could get 4G here!! The Huawei router is a revelation. Not only do I get 5 bars of 4G from our local mast without external antennae with the SOSH card but the router gives me better 2.4 GHz wireless than my old TP-Link router and a much better web interface. It''s been quite easy to share my printer via the USB port and, as has been posted here before, it's possible to plug a conventional phone into the RJ11 socket and make and receive free calls. I haven't investigated all the possibilities yet but I'm very much looking forward to ditching my "bigblu" satellite broadband service when I've had another few days to make sure that I'm not dreaming this and it really is possible for me to get a usable internet connection here in rural France........
  11. Hi JB These threads suggest some reasons why you might have difficulty using a modem but be OK tethering - http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-2858426/sim-unlimited-data-compatibility-lte-routers.html https://www.unlocked-dongle.com/mobile/Blog/can-a-mobile-phone-sim-card-be-used-in-a-modem.html - not SFR but perhaps the same principle applies. Hope that's not the case, but it seems that phone companies don't like the idea of 4G modems...........
  12. Yes, I've got a fine view of that from upstairs, I guess 5 or 10 degrees south of due west. So that part of it looks good............
  13. Hi Johnnyboy Could it be the 4G's getting a heavy bashing from traffic on the A20 this busy holiday weekend, and that's why you're getting dropouts? I think I can see the mast that I you're using from my front bedroom window so maybe I'll follow suit (when you've done a bit more testing!). Bon courage, CastAway
  14. We don't have any possibility of broadband via landline as our cabling here is not up to the job and we're too far from the main exchange - although the commune has recently had fiber optic installed, we're on the commune's perimeter and there's no hope of it reaching us at all under the present regime. We're using the SES satellite system via Europasat and it's actually not too bad for web browsing, email and whatnot - especially after living with an appallingly unreliable Orange dial-up internet for our first couple of years here - but the support from Europasat is pretty dire and a change would be good, especially if we can get a significant increases in monthly data allowances. 4G looks the way to go and I'm following this thread with interest!
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