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  1. Thanks Loisseau. Yes, I've tried everything now incl local agents incl Sq Habitat who weren't interested then said it was out of their area! Regards Loire
  2. Thank you very much Meek Megan. That is very helpful indeed and confirms what I suspected. Hardly ever any contact, that there is I have instigated and just extremely vague replies, recently  blaming Brexit, tho that wouldn't impact on potential French buyers, every time I contact is away on some jaunt or other, will contact when back and has never referred me to anyone else. I hope potential buyers have had more luck contacting them and being offered viewings! Advised to reduce price, which I did ( I had said at the outset the price was too high) and seems to have had no effect whatsever.The fact that the price quoted on their ads includes their commission, which I will pay, might at first glance put off potential buyers who might think they have to pay the charges on top of that price, though looking further into ad say it will be paid by seller. Think that in six mnths there hasn't been one viewing,  and have made clear I want details of all interest/viewings etc  now. Took three mnths from when I asked them to take it on to it going on their website, agent's long holiday took part of that time. Have now lost chance of the best selling period - summer when house and garden can be seen at best advantage.Shall see what reply I get to interest there's been/viewings etc. Kind regards Loire
  3. Good afternoon everyone Can anyone tell me please what sort of arrangements Leggetts have with their agent they allocate to you re selling a house/? Does the allocated agent work from an agency building, take calls etc or do they work at a distance and someone else take the enquiries and pass on to the allocated agent details of anyone who wants a viewing for the allocated agent to do the viewing?Are the allocated agents employed by Leggetts or self employed? Does noone else do anything re selling the house/ taking enquiries etc when the allocated agent is away from work, which could be very frequently? Kind regards Loire
  4. Thanks very much idun and everyone else. As you say idun, a lot can be spent on net sites for the adverts. I've spent quite a few hundred, plus an inordinate amount of time and energy. Hope to have time to make a decision on way forward by the end of the week/beg of next. Still no word from A about Sat morn's viewing. Don't feel very inclined to contact him until I've decided my way forward, which hopefully won't include him, and I shouldn't think there's any chance it went well or I would have heard by now! Regards Loire
  5. Thank you very much Judith and Flaneur for your advice. Judith, if only I could find someone like your friend who sold your house! Exactly what I've been seeking for ages. Have even asked my central London estate agent and one here in Wales if they could help in any way - unfortunately not. Regards Loire
  6. Thanks nomoss. Looking increasingly as tho all forms of contact with lbc users is to be avoided! Doesn't seem to be leading to anything positive re house sale. Regards Eleanor
  7. Sterling and very helpful advice thank you Chancer. Am currently considering all options. Very full week ahead with having to get more security installed here asap as well as a number of other urgent  matters to deal with, but shall surge forward  as soon as I can. No more new lbc-ers so far today but probably snoringly siesting at the mo and will leap into action later this eve as usual after a few bevvies, tho I now have the tools and knowledge to deal with it better - mostly ignore! Regards Loire
  8. Thanks very much BritinBretagne. That's very helpful and hopeful. I've seen recently just how much cr@p the agents must head off at the pass. Been like a full-time job for me and would love to pass the honour of doing that on to someone else! I think it's been as difficult dealing with A as the enquirers. Viewing yesterday morning and not a dickie bird from him yet, about par for the course! Regards Eleanor
  9. Just looked at the Facebook page and it looks like just the job. Thank you so much NormanH. Regards Loire
  10. Hi NormanH I hope you are well. Thank you very much for that. Sounds hopeful. I'll look into it this afternoon. Kind regards Loire
  11. Just had a message from the one who proposed 2 rdvs then said on phone couldn't do, asking for a rdv this wk, and  v long one one from the nasty one yest telling me a bit of her life story, the Mistral's getting to her,  and telling me how to live mine, sell my house, for next to nowt, and tell A that he must take the photos she wants and measure the height of the sittingroom ceiling, even tho they are no longer interested oin my house. Funnily enough, shan't be wasting my time answering! Loire
  12. Thanks nomoss. Love it! Used to advertise my mobile home in France for rental on lbc, campsite only allowed a few wks rental in summer. Inundated with people clamouring to rent it, and was soon full and deleted ad. Had calls from very indignant people trying to insist that I let it to them for the wks for which someone else was booked in, incl a lady to whom I had let it for the first wk who wanted to return for another.  Did they expect me to cram them all in or evict someone? Maybe could have fitted a few more on the wooden terrace, sure the ones in the mob home souldn't have minded - missed opportunity! Loire
  13. Hi Thanks very much Thieire and Patf. Have tried the property avenue you suggest Thieire, plus an exhibition, unfortunately only one reply and that was an agent, trying to pretend she wasn't. I'll also try posting ads around here in shops etc as well as orher avenues. Lots of people here have second homes abroad, and hopefully more looking! Kind regards Eleanor
  14. Hi Lehaut Thank you too for that very helpful info. "A" had been implying, tho carefully not saying, that the faults all lay at my door and that I was deluded to expect to sell a house that needed some work (tho mostly done and to a very high standard) for anything over about 20k and that the lack of interest from viewers reinforced that as they were all very gentils!. Had been beginning to wear me down.  As ever with the input from you lovely fellow members I am revived, restored and can shake off the negativity that has been thrust upon me! Sorry Lehaut, am I right in my understanding that it was Leggs that sold your house? Was the local agent any good? Thanks very much to all the people on here who advised me on bringing my beloved cat back to the uk with me. Could never have managed it without you. Horrid time at port when none of the chip readers would read and she looked ready to escape, but eventually worked. The cat, who didn't even like being in carrier for 5 mins vet trips didn't make a peep in 15 hr journey and loves it here!  Kind regards Loire
  15. Hi NickP Thanks very much. Exactly my experience of leboncoin, tho the experiences have been many and varied. An eg, similar to yours, message  simply asking how much my house is when it's clearly stated in the ad, another - does it have outbuildings when the ad states that it has. Don't hear again after my very polite restrained reply. Defo scammers too. Phew, feel better after your post!  Think it's ebay for me now and if that doesn't work, horror of horrors, might have to be a local agent as no alternatives left and would at least remove the very negative "A" from the equation. Any info on best way to go about ebay from anyone on here  v gratefully received, or indeed any other advice on selling. There is however one Brit potential buyer who is talking sense, seems genuine and probably wants to see it in March. Hope that comes to something. Kind regards loire
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