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Remove beams safely


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I want to replace 3 large & partly rotten beams in my roof.

Please see photos


Any suggestions as to how I could do this safely myself without resort to a builder?

I was thinking that I could remove the remaining roof joists etc and  support the beams with regulare spaced Acrows along the length and then cut (saw) through at one end. Then again at say 2m intervals.. What do you reckon? And what to do the cutting/sawing with?

Alternatively if there any builders out there who can offer to do this for a reasonable sum ( as opposed to the extorniate prices I have been quoted ) I would be happy to hear from you.

In the bigger picture I want to turn this space into a semi open roof terrasse ( have already done the floor etanchiete etc.) but one that could be covered in winter ( part sliding roof or similar), and also repoint/render the stonework.

Hope to hear from someone!


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Which part of the beams are rotten is it just the wall ends

If it is Jack up the ends dig out underneath the old wall ends insert a similar beam size underneath through the wall projecting a half metre into the room bolt together and cement in the new beam support
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[quote user="grumpyaudeman"]There have been two constructive replies and the poster still has not responded what are you saying was unpleasant its nice to say thank you

After 615 posts have you have not noticed you can't quote its gibberish[/quote]

He can't help it.

There's a lot like that these days.

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BritinBretagne said

"I can read the quotes, can’t you?" No


"He might also have found your reply unhelpful, personally I found it bizarre."

Which bit personally is bizarre

I find your old posts very odd

BritinBretagne wrote:Not bad nomoss, in your post you only managed to copy two of the traits that you despise in other people; you managed to insult and write drivel, why didn’t you go for the full-house and use some bad language as well? Oh dear! Did I happen to touch a nerve somewhere? Exactly who did I insult? Are you just

BritinBretagne wrote:Now you are being ignorant. Nasty little person.That's not very polite. I should send you some soap to wash your mouth out.Actually, I'm a nasty big person, so be careful

EEck you sound like Trump

You said

I'm a nasty big person, so be careful

So nice grow up

Im Grumpy you are just Nasty
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[quote user="grumpyaudeman"]BritinBretagne said

"I can read the quotes, can’t you?" No


"He might also have found your reply unhelpful, personally I found it bizarre."

Which bit personally is bizarre

I find your old posts very odd

BritinBretagne wrote:Not bad nomoss, in your post you only managed to copy two of the traits that you despise in other people; you managed to insult and write drivel, why didn’t you go for the full-house and use some bad language as well? Oh dear! Did I happen to touch a nerve somewhere? Exactly who did I insult? Are you just

BritinBretagne wrote:Now you are being ignorant. Nasty little person.That's not very polite. I should send you some soap to wash your mouth out.Actually, I'm a nasty big person, so be careful

EEck you sound like Trump

You said

I'm a nasty big person, so be careful

So nice grow up

Im Grumpy you are just Nasty[/quote]

You have such a way with words. Your mother must have been so proud if you. I don’t suffer fools and will often question odd posts, if that’s a crime I must be guilty.
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