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changes to tax dates


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Having just come back from France, I am no longer sure when I should file my tax return for 2005 gite rental income.  There were lots of ads in the French press last week about the new pre-completed tax forms which are going out in May, but I wasn't sure if they applied to non-resident tax payers as well. I am UK based, and pay tax on my salary here, but also declare the income from my gite to the french tax office.  Should I file my return in March as before, or should I sit back and wait for the new form in May? There isn't any explicit guidance on the French gov tax website for non-residents.


Any help and advice welcome.




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Can't answer your question, sorry, but I'd like to know if it's possible to put in a tax return before May. If you havn't put in a tax return before and don't earn anything in France how will the authorities know to send you a pre-completed form? We went to the local Centre des Impots to get a form but they said they will be sent out  precompleted in May.  Will blank forms be available for collection from the C des I or the Mairie at the same time as the precompleted ones?
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I'm in the same boat! I rented my gite for the first time last year and would like to pay my taxes (well not "like" exactly but you know what I mean) but the on-line version of the form is for 2004 only. Is there anyone out there who can advise?



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Nouveauté 2006 : vous recevrez votre déclaration de revenus début mai et non plus en mars. Elle sera préremplie de vos principaux revenus (salaires, retraites, allocations de chômage, indemnités journalières de maladie).

This means that you will receive your tax forms at the beginning of May and not March,  if you have declared before it will be completed with previous sums declared, they have not said when they will have to be returned by but it is normally within about 6 weeks.  You are advised on line how much your tax bill will be and then by an invoice with the confirmed amount to pay, including social charges which are paid separately.  You get a 20€ deduction for declaring on line and paying on line or by standing order,

You cannot do any returns or pay your taxes yet, but if you do not get a form you have to go and get one, if you have not received a tax form by early May you must go to your tax office and collect them, normaly you will need the 2042 and 2047 forms.  You cannot complete a return on line until you have a finance reference number so the first return has to be manual, although you can pay on line when you get your tax advice/invoice as this will have all the reference numbers that you will need to do so. 

 In the first year your tax has  to be paid by September, in subsequent years you pay monthly or in 3 instalments, February, June and September, these payments are based on your previous assessment, a settling payment based on your actual return is made in September.



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