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Why do some British types have an affiliation with France and others don’t ?

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Too simple a question, ALBF.  It's to do with personality, experience, knowledge of history and so on.  You never come to any experienc as a tabula rasa, you already have preconconceived ideas and inclinations.

I am just reading a book about the last viceroy of India and you could ask equally why do some Brtions have an affinity with Indians and others don't and vice versa?

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No, based on experience and what you THINK you know about the others.  That is what your parents, teachers, books, newspapers etc etc tell you about them.

Base on prejudice and perhaps the fact that these others are an unknown quantity to you.  For example, if your neighbours are green-coloured martians and you get on well with them, you might think oh those green martians are all right and I don't know why people don't like them.


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My wife had a blood test yesterday, the nurse complemented her on her accent and asked if she was British, Scottish was the reply. To which the nurse replied "Ah Le pays de mes rêves"

She had never been there though.

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15 hours ago, betise said:

When you say based on genetics ALBF, do you mean if our ancient ancestors were of a particular nationality?

Yes….that is what I mean.

There must be some reason why I get on more/have the same sort of thinking with the French than say the British. In fact, I could apply that to most European nationalities. Do you know what I mean ?

I don’t mean that in a....’ooh I’m sooo French’ or ‘I’m so European’….sort of way.

Its just the way I am.

In my final year at Uni in the UK….I just hung out with the French and other foreign students.

I think there must be a biological or genetic reason for it.

I love the UK and would live there because it is exciting. But I will never feel at home there. I would get bored in conversations very quickly…lol. 

So what is it ? I am sure I am not the only one who feels that way.

Edited by alittlebitfrench
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23 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Yes….that is what I mean.

There must be some reason why I get on more/have the same sort of thinking with the French than say the British. In fact, I could apply that to most European nationalities. Do you know what I mean ?

I don’t mean that in a....’ooh I’m sooo French’ or ‘I’m so European’….sort of way.

Its just the way I am.

In my final year at Uni in the UK….I just hung out with the French and other foreign students.

I think there must be a biological or genetic reason for it.

I love the UK and would live there because it is exciting. But I will never feel at home there. I would get bored in conversations very quickly…lol. 

So what is it ? I am sure I am not the only one who feels that way.

It could be you hung out with the French as the natives had realised you talked too much waffle.

Kinda possible.

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23 minutes ago, norbert said:

It could be you hung out with the French as the natives had realised you talked too much waffle.

Kinda possible.

Kinda of possible….but I think waffle is quite universal. I speak waffle in both French and English.

I just waffle away in either language. No one can stop me.

A little bit waffle.

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On 10/02/2024 at 10:31, alittlebitfrench said:

There must be some reason why I get on more/have the same sort of thinking with the French than say the British. In fact, I could apply that to most European nationalities. Do you know what I mean ?

I don’t mean that in a....’ooh I’m sooo French’ or ‘I’m so European’….sort of way.

So what is it ? I am sure I am not the only one who feels that way.

Yes I know what you mean, Yes I believe you, Haven't the faintest idea why and No, you're not the only one 😁

It certainly didn't come from my family as grandparents were mildly hostile and parents didn't care one way or the other. It was simply the case that from the first time we set foot in France, it was right.  Luckily it still is 🙂

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1 hour ago, Noisette said:

Yes I know what you mean, Yes I believe you, Haven't the faintest idea why and No, you're not the only one 😁

It certainly didn't come from my family as grandparents were mildly hostile and parents didn't care one way or the other. It was simply the case that from the first time we set foot in France, it was right.  Luckily it still is 🙂

I knew I was onto something.


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Thing is.....most people who end up in their 'right place' don't then spend much (if any) time on expat forums or expat FB groups. I've yet to figure out why I do 🤣  There must be an infinitesimal part of the psyche that just can't let go.....

Originally the forums were a marvellous  resource for finding one's way around, avoiding pitfalls and sharing experiences with like-minded souls in the same situation.  Norman (bless him) is carrying on that tradition 🙂

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13 hours ago, Noisette said:

Thing is.....most people who end up in their 'right place' don't then spend much (if any) time on expat forums or expat FB groups. I've yet to figure out why I do 🤣  There must be an infinitesimal part of the psyche that just can't let go.....

Originally the forums were a marvellous  resource for finding one's way around, avoiding pitfalls and sharing experiences with like-minded souls in the same situation.  Norman (bless him) is carrying on that tradition 🙂

Like minded souls…..lol…..yeah….I have so much in common. 

I discovered French forums about 13 years ago. OH bought me a new computer when I did my shoulder in and I spent weeks discovering the Internet. I stumbled across a French forum and could not believe what I was reading.

Plucked up the courage to join and have never looked back since. Although I am down to my last French forum now.🙃

I still remember my first post ‘why did you move to France’. Lasted for 10 pages. 😀

I like creating silly threads…..like this one.

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34 minutes ago, DaveLister said:

My god ALBF, you only discovered the internet 13 years ago!! Where had you been living, in a cave??

Well….the first six years in France (Paris-Lyon-Paris)….internet was dial-up. Which was useless and slow.

Then we moved to a stony cave in the middle of rural nowhere and internet was not dial up but still very slow. But that said I was far too busy doing  renovation stuff to care. That took 8 years. So yeah….I lived a rural cave. Did not need the internet.

In the last few years living there I did start using it for business. But that was all.

Then we moved here. And being in town/city the internet is electric so you get to discover stuff that you really don’t need to discover.

To be honest, I think the internet is the scurge of society. We don’t need it.


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3 hours ago, Lehaut said:

Banned from the rest?😁

Not exactly.

You see, I like CF because people are nice, charming and gentle. So I post for free. I love you all.

Other forums are a bit…hmmm…rough so to speak. So they have to pay me to post. My time is money.

They all refused. And now every other forum is dead as a dodo. More fool them.

I could bring them all alive again tomorrow…but you have to pay.

Bit like playing Glastonbury…Micheal Eavis has to pay ALBF for him to turn up and woo the crowds.




Edited by alittlebitfrench
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