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Greetings earth lovers,

We have talked about the Ride -on Mower and how not to expect a good cut if you do not check the tyre pressure is correct and the decking used in a to low position , I did mention i have both the RIDE-ON And what is known as the push Lawn mower, Why!!!


Firstly lets talk about the good side of the Ride- On,  If you have the larger size Lawn or orchard and a great deal of grass to cut Or your not to good on your feet ? Then a ride-On has it's good points and you can save a lot of time and effort cutting this larger lawn,

Now  "shall we say  the poorer side to Ride-On mowers, They can not get very close to the likes of tree's (the base area) and if "like myself you have your main Lawn edged !!! But in a fashion were the edges are not in straight lines, ie they are curved and the corner's are more half circle shape than a sharp corner edge to edge idea,  I am not keen on sharp cut edges because i feel they



To Miltary    Looking and take the calming effect off the border's and the flowering shrubs,

Now the Push mower (electric or petrol ) operated can get really close to these edges keeping the cut nice and level, "Unlike using the Strimmer,

I find by using the push Mower to cut all around the edges/sides of the Lawn "including around the base of any trees" by two Mower width , or even three width's allows the Ride-On plenty of room to turn around and cut the long runs up & down the lawn in a nice cut, You can always go over any ride -on cuts again with the push mower to give that lovely finish,

The same with tree base area's, the push mower get very close & if like myself you have cut circles around the tree base's and you have bulbs growing the closer you can get to the circle's edges the neater it all looks,

Again if you have a large lawn / Orchard these two mowers worked as a team will save you time and the results are good,


I have for a long time now used two edge cutting tools, (a) The long handled edging tool, This tool is designed to cut the grass that grows over the edges and heads for the plants/flowers/ Veg etc on the side that growing is going on,

To use such a tool you must have good crisp edges for the blades of this tool to do it's job, (more about how to cut an edge later)


Now this is very important if you do not want to spread virus / Box virus etc etc  Have a bucket and wire brush and "JAY's FLUID

Diluted in the water and clean these cutter often as you cut, Just give the tools a good clean using the wire brush to remove any signs of green/ or soil,

The other cutter's (b) are the short handle ones, I use this kind very often "Nothing more relaxing on a nice sunny afternoon than having the kneeling frame out and both weeding at arms length and then finishing off by cutting the edges as you go along using this sort of cutter "Remember to wash them with Jay's fluid and dry the blades and carry on.

Getting a very crisp edge

Nothing more effective than a well cut Hedges And Edges,

(1) You will need a piece of clean cut of wood about 2 or 3inch thick and about 6feet long, the edges must be good with no chips ,

(2)  Good Edging tool, This for the new to gardening is a tool that has a long handle with a half moon shaped cut out edge and were your foot will press down on this edge should have a bent edge on both sides of the shaft right & left, and a "T" shaped  hand support,

It is important that the Blade is in good order and no bends in it as it has to meet very close to the wood and it is sharp enough to do the job of cutting into turf,

Turf is the hardest ground this tool should be used to cut and this would be done when cutting a new border or bedding area,

How to cut a crisp edge,

Decide the size of edge you want and using the marking system ie string from one end to the finish end, secure this string at each end using pegs,

Stand back and when happy with the now marked out area start by placing the wooden plank edge to the string,

Stand on the plank and keeping the bent over section of the cutting metal  edge cutter blade evenly close to the wooden side using your hands to secure the edging tool ,

Now  with the bent over section facing towards the plank and now using one foot at a time press the edge of the tool down into the earth "only go as far as that bent over section of the metal blade, (this keeps the cut even under ground) Now using your other foot again press down on this side until the blade is down and now rock the blade via the handle side to side to clear all soil on both sides of the tools blade, Now move to the next cut area and repeat until you have completed the length of cut,

The turf you have just cut will need to be removed, To do this place a spade on the earth side of the cut close to the turf you want to remove and dig down about 6inch and then cut across the top of this piece and lift out of the ground, after you have completed the complete length and look at what you have just done you will be very happy with your crisp cut.












































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