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AVON thoughts please

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I am thinking if becoming an agent for Avon in France, I already have a personal brochure, which friends grab at earliest opportunity and put in orders for them.

What do you think, good idea or non starter.

Not trying to make loads of dosh, realise almost impossible, but with people spead so far and wide, would the logistics make it a non starter.

Opinions appreciated.


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Have you looked into at all - would you work on 'campaigns' - sales periods, like they do here or could you do it in a more ad hoc way ?

We have been without an Avon lady locally (UK) for a little while and I was very glad to see we have a new one, I tend to order shower gels, liquid soaps etc in bulk - I guess others do the same.
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The system for the campaigns - sales periods, are exactly the same as in England, The big difference for me is that everybody is so wide spread, so the advertising and delivery system would have to be thought through thoroughly , [ crikey, that was a bit of a mouthful ], I am meeting with an Avon representive to talk this through, and to see if it.s viable.

This should be interresting as my French is not brill...

I wondered if any body else had tried to give this a go, and would be interested to find out if or how they managed.

Many Thanks.               Sharon....

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Call me cynical but I think a UK Avon representative will tell you its a great idea.

Yet I'm now a convert to those ( far more knowledgeable than me) who subscribe to the concept that France is not the place for small 'pin money' businesses.


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Not too sure about any of it but "Tooperware" was quite the thing in the Doo Don in the mid/late 90's.

They acted in the same way as the UK (steady !! it was Tina that told me all that)and they had a warehouse on the outskirts of Perigueux (Marsac).

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I am cynical, which is why i have posted this, not so much for pin.... money, but really to see if people want it.

I did, that.s why I have a brochure, that everybody pinches.

I live here and am not looking forward to long boring winter [ok not so long ] I get bored very easy and just thought maybe could find something to occupy myself.

thankyou for reactions.


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I don't know what AVON pay in the way of commission but as you know gadding round rural France in mid winter is a bit different to going up and down the stairs and  lifts of a housing estate in the UK, I know I used to do a pools round and know how much easier it is to access lots of people in flats and on estates.  You could pass by 1000 people easily in an evening. BUT to pass the houses of a 1000 people here could take a couple of days and a lot of KM's

By the way did you know that you can buy AVON products on line direct from them, not sure if they deliver to France though, but I know Goldshield the health supplement people do at no extra charge.

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