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Working on the black ........ again

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Not sure why you should automatically assume its working on the black - some people have second homes they only use for themselves and their family!!  We don't let the property - she simply does bed linen etc to help us out as we can't always get sheets washed before we leave.

And why the aggressiveness towards someone posting for the first time??? 

Oh and i haven't replied earlier because I have a life and don't spend every waking hour posting on a forum!!


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[quote user="Scooby"]I've 'shopped' people on several occassions - for tax evasion, breach of Health and Safety regulations etc...  Being caught is part of the gamble they take.

So that's Scooby the snitch then.

Re key holders - having a key holder who changes sheets doesn't necessarily amount to operating a gite.  A neighbour has our keys and changes sheets, cuts grass, does washing for us and generally keeps an eye on the house.  We repay her by gifts (DVD's, CD's, kids clothes)  taking her and her family out, babysitting etc.  

and Scooby the "I don't explain myself very well" then



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[quote user="Scooby"]Not sure why you should automatically assume its working on the black - some people have second homes they only use for themselves and their family!!  We don't let the property - she simply does bed linen etc to help us out as we can't always get sheets washed before we leave.

And why the aggressiveness towards someone posting for the first time??? 

Oh and i haven't replied earlier because I have a life and don't spend every waking hour posting on a forum!!



Well said.

Dave should know better, I remember that he got a lot of flack sometime ago for allegedly working on the black[:D] and he wasn't too pleased about it.

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Good question WB - how about shopping people from whichever country who are persistant drink drivers and a danger to other road users?  Like the Irish woman who used to live in this area who let her 14 years old son drive her BMW when she was too p****d to drive it herself.  The Gendarmes made it clear to a few of us who knew her that they were after her - luckily she heard the message load and clear and buggered off back to Ireland but she was a menace to everybody and should have been shopped.  That sounds like a good place to start. 

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So, endangering other people we all agree? But do we? The farmer who gives you eggs and cuts your fields and looks after your house when you are away is a great bloke. But every night he drives pissed as a fa!! from the village bar to his home. What are you gonna do? Come on folks, roll up, three shies for a penny.
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Having seen 4 friends killed by a drunk driver last year in my village - I'd probably stop any relationship with the farmer as soon as I realised what he was doing.  At a push a quiet word with the guy or even a word at the Mairie if your village is small enough.

The Irish woman was warned several times by friends and suddenly was gone, abandoning her car here which by that time was seriously illegal.

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I used to have a neighbour back in the UK who was an inveterate "whistleblower" - a bonfire, a smelly cess pit, one light out on your car, one bark from a dog, one party which went on beyond midnight - she was on the phone to the police/the council/ whomever she could think of.  She made herself so unpopular that in the end she convinced herself that everybody was "out to get" her, and every thing she saw which offended her, was done deliberately to upset and offend her.  Ultimately of course, her prophesy was self-fulfilled and one or two people in our (very small) community certainly did do what they could to "bait" her.  When I left the UK, she had built an 8' fence around her entire property (which included some 15 acres of land!)

Tony's case is pretty clear cut - lives are threatened.  But where does that end? You could make a case for some builders' shoddy workmanship being potentially life-threatening - should you shop them?  People who work on the black annoy me (as do those Brits who steadfastly refuse to pay their dues here) but I just take this up with them personally - and we invariably end up in a heated political argument about the morality of tax evasion! - I've never brought myself to report them to the authorities.  I have been known to break the law myself on occasions - I think in  a minor and insignificant way - but I've no doubt others would be scandalised and would think I should be locked up because I've managed to get 170 kph out of my car on a motorway.....[Www]

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It's hard to know where to draw the line if you are a private individual and unaffected  by the person who you know is working on the black.

I would report anyone who takes my business away. If I were to quote for a job and the job is awarded to someone else who I know is not registered or not registered for the trades involved or is not insured, I would not hesitate to report them to the authorities. I would, however, wait until they were working on site so that they would be caught in the act.

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