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Working on the black ........ again

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When you think about moving to France.....if you are not already there.....consider why you wish to move from UK.

I, personally am happy to carry on in the same manner as I did in UK;paying my taxes and the tax payable for the staff whom I employed part time or full time in my catering establishement.

I have lived in London and for most of the years have loved it....worked really hard, and without questioning my reason.For me going to France is completing the book.There is a story and it evolves but there is more.

I am saying that I have outgrown the excitement of being in a massive traffic jams or being in a crowded train having no witness the  stressed faces of the computor population.I no longer deisire to compete with all those around me to become rich or famous.

Later in life our dreams  can come true... and we slow down a little.

But wherever we are...surely we have to play by the rules.

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We live near Bergerac, we have tried to talk to this guy and he is not at all worried by his actions. we just feel that it is unfair to all the unsuspecting English who think employing someone like him will be cheaper because in the long run it isn't.
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I know of a guy like that and what happened was someone shopped him (unfortunately I do not know to which government body) and he had to leave the country in a devil of a hurry.  You are right, this is no "victimless" crime.  I feel for the poor people who have lost money and sleep through the shoddy work and unethical work practices of these unscrupulous sorts

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If you have all been following the threads about the new regulations regarding healthcare, you will now doubt have noticed from some of the posts (Clair's in particular) that the authorites are now about to join a few dots in the bureaucracy, to make it easier for the authorities to look into the means of people who claim assistance from the state whilst earning more money than they declare on their income tax returns.  One telling item that has come up is that those who appear to have a lifestyle which belies the low incomes which they appently have, will become the subject of investigation by the authorities. 

Whilst the main focus of the threads on here has been about the effect it may have on the genuine non-working immigrants and ex-pats, my own interpretation of this is that the clamp down will be mainly on those working on the black and that this is the government's agenda in this specific regard.  Unhappily, the Brit cowboys who come over here and swindle the unsuspecting, will not doubt just do a bunk and return to the UK to carry on their "work" back in their home country.  But it's a start.

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[quote user="pingu"]

someone out there must know of the Governing body to contact. Unless people like us with sense of morality do something more people will suffer

[/quote]Begin at your Mairie - they will point you in the right direction.  Our Maire's staff are always very helpful at any rate. (Not that I've asked them this specific question, though.)
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The people most interested in undeclared work are the URSSAF, as they loose out in contributions.

For the Dordogne, their contact details are:


50, rue Claude-Bernard
24022 Périgueux Cedex

Du lundi au vendredi de 08h30 à 16h00

Accueil téléphonique : lundi au vendredi de 8h à 18h30

Tél standard :

Fax :


Be prepared to give your details, as they are very unlikely to follow up on anonymous letters or calls.

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I would assume they do...

France has a history of anonymous denunciations (think back to the German occupation and the collaboration...) and denouncement (délation) is popular when jealousy or envy are involved. (Opas had told us of her ANPE tel call)

I remember reading that Sarkozy wanted to change the whole attitude and that investigations would no longer be carried out unless the source of any tip was clearly identified.

Whatever the reasons for wanting to alert the authorities, it's worth remembering that the builder (in this case) is not the only one involved. The people he has done the work for are also liable.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've 'shopped' people on several occassions - for tax evasion, breach of Health and Safety regulations etc...  Being caught is part of the gamble they take.

Re key holders - having a key holder who changes sheets doesn't necessarily amount to operating a gite.  A neighbour has our keys and changes sheets, cuts grass, does washing for us and generally keeps an eye on the house.  We repay her by gifts (DVD's, CD's, kids clothes)  taking her and her family out, babysitting etc.  

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[quote user="Scooby"]I've 'shopped' people on several occassions - for tax evasion, breach of Health and Safety regulations etc...  Being caught is part of the gamble they take.

Re key holders - having a key holder who changes sheets doesn't necessarily amount to operating a gite.  A neighbour has our keys and changes sheets, cuts grass, does washing for us and generally keeps an eye on the house.  We repay her by gifts (DVD's, CD's, kids clothes)  taking her and her family out, babysitting etc.  


        thats classed as working on the black here !!!

          Where did you say you lived?

               will look forward to it


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I've often wondered where 'shopping' people stops. It ranges after all (in French terms) from the reporting someone for building a chicken run without authorization, right through to betraying (in modern terms) illegal immigrants who then jump from windows to their deaths. Where do these people who boast that they have 'shopped' people draw the line?
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To report or not to report - this question has been debated a few times on here. Once there was a very vociferous majority pro - "shopping" and I got short shrift when I said I would only do it if it affected me personally, and I would warn the person first. In fact I was called "naive" which is probably true but I still remember who said it. (Not you this time tag - that was something else.)

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