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Working on the black ........ again

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[quote user="LEO"]

[quote user="woody2122"]

how comes tony from dordogne is posting on south west france region if you are from dordogne, shouldnt you be posting on the western france region because dordogne is in the charente area[/quote]

You can live in Aberdeen or Milford Haven and post in any section of the forum you wish

[/quote]Sarthe OK?
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Woolybanana asked - "Quite simply, would you do the same if the person involved were French?"

My neighbour is repairing and selling cars. I challenged him about the noise and danger of pollution, and he was most apologetic as he told me of his change of circumstances. He lost his job some time ago, and his wife lost hers quite recently - she was sacked from her job as an ambulance car driver and prosecuted, for thieving from elderly patients she transported![:@]

They now have their house up for sale, but if he decides to continue his vehicle "business" - then yes, I will gladly grass him up to the authorities.

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[quote user="Salty Sam"]

Woolybanana asked - "Quite simply, would you do the same if the person involved were French?"

My neighbour is repairing and selling cars. I challenged him about the noise and danger of pollution, and he was most apologetic as he told me of his change of circumstances. He lost his job some time ago, and his wife lost hers quite recently - she was sacked from her job as an ambulance car driver and prosecuted, for thieving from elderly patients she transported![:@]

They now have their house up for sale, but if he decides to continue his vehicle "business" - then yes, I will gladly grass him up to the authorities.


Hi Salty Sam,

So you want to kick this couple while they are down?

How do you manage to sleep at night!

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Leo, I don't consider their current situation due in part to the criminal activity of the wife, to be termed kicking someone when they're down. Have a thought for the elderly she robbed off - that's what I call kicking someone!

And yes, I sleep perfectly well thank you.

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If I was in business and I knew, had evidence, that someone was taking my customers away by undercutting me illegally I think I would report them. But first I would tell them what I intended to do. It wouldn't matter what nationality they were. It would be a hard thing to do though so I'm glad it's not a situation I'm likely to be in. But if it was nothing to do with me personally I definitely wouldn't. What about another view of this - if I employ someone to do a job, knowing that they are working on the black, and someone reports me? I would also be committing an offence. Many people must have done this.
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The reason that I posted the original message was as a sort of warning for people who may be employing people on the black and .

As for them being Malians, I don't think that's in any way significant, they just happened to be the sans papiers who were caught working on the site.  Could have read English, Belgians, Dutch of course, tho they would not have been sans papiers just working on the black - and liable for arrest by the way!

To be honest, I understand why people work on the black, 'some for the government, some for me' especially the young French families who struggle to make ends meet on minimum wage and if Brits can only make ends meet by breaking the law - work, cars etc. - perhaps they made a well-intentioned mistake coming here in the first place and they're obviously going to be happy to accept the consequences if they get caught.

But the majority of Brits working here - whether they're ex-pats, immigrants, fly-boys and girls - just need to be aware of this sort of action by the police so that they can make a decision whether they want to expose themselves to the risk as employer or employee.


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It does not apply to me ...but what about people who  "employ " sombody to look after their holiday homes for them .....cut the grass ..change the sheets on a Saturday etc......as I posted ......the police who visited me were keen to know if I have given house keys out to sombody......there are lots of holiday homes in the area I have mine they must not all be in the hands of registered holiday letting agents   If you give some woman in the village  money to clean  and air the house have you employed a "manager " for your property letting business ?  I expect thats how the Police  look at it ...
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But I think it's how you pay them that matters. If you use a cheque d'emploi it's ok. When we took out the insurance on our house I asked the agent whether it covers us for people working at the house and he said "No, but if you pay them by cheque d'emploi that covers them". I suppose that means they have their own insurance?
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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh dear........I have just taken a phone call from someone at ANPE asking me if I am still looking for work, I explained I am working on cheques emploi in the mornings, she asked who for , how long for , hours worked etc......I am not phased one bit about all these questions, I just find it rather amusing that this comes on the back of a dispute with a neighbour whose friend then went out of her way to ask me if I am working! I gave minimum info back ie yes I work for 2 hour each morning, which did not take a brain surgeon to work out seeing as I leave the house at 9.55 each day and return at 12.05.

never mind I am the one with the clear concience.

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We have had a few phone calls from ANPE over time, some with last minute job interviews. I have nothing to hide by answering these calls.

Oh and the house is not normally empty during my working hours, and if anyone gets past my other nosey neighbour they will probably found either banging their head against a wall  or taking a rest in one of the beds!

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...my son did the obligatory `stage` required by the Chambre de Metiers (rip-off if ever there was one) at the end of which he and his fellow `stagieres` were told that unless they put a fair sized chunk of cash in their back pockets they would be out of business in the first 18 months...I was in business for a year and my clients (mostly French) wanted to pay cash to avoid the devasting 19.6% t.v.a...I know countless French ouvriers who are paid minimum wage during the week and 15euros an hour cash at weekends...I know many patrons who do the same thing...look at Chirac, how did he get away with millions of euros (how did he get away with murder?) without being thrown into prison like the poor suckers at the bottom of the pile?...it`s not possible to survive in this country if you don`t know how to adapt to the existing system, those of you who don`t like it could always go home!!!...
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I would have thought that being legal was sort of a requirement for people emigrating to France from abroad and despite what the French do, isn't there some sort of duty for immigrants to obey the French law?

If immigrants to the UK do what the cowboy builders do they get told to get gone and that's why the French get the miseries with outsiders doing it - though it's obviously a case of do what we say, not what we do and there are countless stories of people being told by officials to work on the black to make ends meet.  

Surely if moving to France means having to work illegally in any way, it's up to the immigrant to decide whether they should be in France and whether they go home, not the people that want to abide by the law, difficult tho that may be sometimes?

What do you and your son do Dordogne? If you feel so strongly about this issue, give us details of your and your son's businesses so those living in the area can decide whether you're the sort of person we would want to do business with in advance. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
We know someone who has been working on the black for 6 yrs just for English people and is paid by cheque or cash. His work is not good, he has even done work for friends and they have to have the work all redone costing 1,000s. How do we stop it, can we contact someone?He doesn't seem to care about his shoddy workmanship or ripping people off.
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[quote user="pingu"]We know someone who has been working on the black for 6 yrs just for English people and is paid by cheque or cash. His work is not good, he has even done work for friends and they have to have the work all redone costing 1,000s. How do we stop it, can we contact someone?He doesn't seem to care about his shoddy workmanship or ripping people off.[/quote]

Surely this has been hapening in the UK for years!  

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We are just fed up with this guy flaunting his shoddy workmanship in our faces, we have a lot of french friends who struggle to get work and are registered. This guy calls himself a builder but he is clearly not. I don't see why he should continue to rip people off 
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