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Any cyclists out there?

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We're currently exploring departements of the Midi Pyrenees with the aim of buying a holiday home sometime in the next couple of years. Taking our time and exploring as much as we can on two wheels. We're keen to have access to the Pyrenees, but not live in the high mountains. We'd also like if possible to connect with French cycling culture - a lively road club for example. Anyone any thoughts about where we might focus for our next visit in September? We'd prefer to be within two hours drive of an airport if possible.

Many thanks.

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Hi Hinault

The Ariege is worth a look - a mixture of high peaks and rolling valleys and close to both Toulouse and Carcassonne airports. Both Foix and St. Girons have vibrant cycling clubs and the Ariégeoise cyclosportive is very famous. And of course, Le Tour is in the area every single year. It's a cyclist's paradise...but then I'm biased!

Good luck with the search

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