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Hall D Toulouse airport

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Had to use this soon after it opened and thought it was awful, badly signposted, miles between the various areas and hideous queues everywhere.  Anyone been through and had a different experience
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If that is the BA end I agree. I passed through there a few weeks ago and it certainly made me wish that I was on my normal KLM flight boarding at the opposite end of the airport.

Sadly I'm on BA again later this month, here's hoping they go on strike that day !

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Oh good. Thought I was alone in thinking it's done absolutely nothing to ease the customer experience, quite the reverse in fact nor is it positive for Toulouse for that matter.

Gave a very hollow laugh at the airport website's claim of taking you forrm the car park to your aircraft seat in the blink of an eye.  Oh really, in which universe!

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Oh good. Thought I was alone in thinking it's done absolutely nothing to ease the customer experience, quite the reverse in fact nor is it positive forToulouse for that matter.

Gave a very hollow laugh at the airport website's claim of taking you from the car park to your aircraft seat in the blink of an eye.  Oh really, in which universe!

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