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What's the best thing about living in the languedoc?

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We were told there are really only two cold months (around Feb time) so good place to be. Reason we moved here (mainly for hols) from Bergerac area.

Very diverse area - mountains and beaches in good supply. Lots of 'history' and 'culture' if you are interested + fantastic food and  reasonably priced restaurants.  Have found we need more 'mastery' of the language than previously needed (and this is probably a good thing to encourage us to learn a bit more than 'present tense' basics, so am all for it.  Just gets a bit hairy if you need to sort something out so dictionary to hand!!) 

Suggest you get a good book on your area and around, and do your research to make the most of it. Enjoy...


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Hi katietom

It,s a great area to live or holiday. I lived in the Gard for 7 years and now just over the border in Provence but still not far from Calvisson. I will say just a few  things about the weather first, it is not warm all year round, as mentioned by others, February is generally the coldest month, but there can be extremes. Today for instance 7 Feb, this morning I left home at 8am in sweater and heavy coat (5 deg) .......................lunchtime, I ate on the terrace in a T shirt (18deg). The most annoying thing in this region is the wind (mistral that is) In winter, when it arrives it really does make things cold. Last February was extremely cold and I was dreading it this year, but actually, most of january and so far in february it has been very sunny and warm (after about 10am). The summer is perfect, for me it can never be too warm, but then again, I'm an artist and not a builder (big difference) in summer, I sit at bar terraces and talk with friends all day long..............and watch the builders struggling in the heat!!!!!!!! There is so much to do, but thats like most regions in France. But that,s just a small opinion from an 'immigrant' making the most of a great country.

PS. It snowed here two weeks before Christmas, just one day abd then gone!

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[quote user="artsole"]

in summer, I sit at bar terraces and talk with friends all day long..............and watch the builders struggling in the heat!!!!!!!!


So now  it is obvious why you enjoy the Languedoc, as opposed to the poor blighters who have to try to find work here..

It's one of the poorest regions in France, but as long as you can sit on your terrace and let the builders struggle, all's well with the World!


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[quote user="groslard"][quote user="artsole"]

in summer, I sit at bar terraces and talk with friends all day long..............and watch the builders struggling in the heat!!!!!!!!


So now  it is obvious why you enjoy the Languedoc, as opposed to the poor blighters who have to try to find work here..
It's one of the poorest regions in France, but as long as you can sit on your terrace and let the builders struggle, all's well with the World!

I wasn't going to reply to this, but I'm having a Bob Dylan day, and so far it's not been too bad[geek]

'Mama's in the factory, she ain't got no shoes....

Daddy's in the alley, he's looking for food....

I'm in the kitchen.................with the tombstone blues![:(]

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I'm in the 'cité des papes'

and despite having a bit of a night, woke early this morning, (normally its not till 11h /11h30) but had several friends 'dossing' on the floor..................;the first thing I did was put 'Highway 61 revisted' on the hi fi and woke everyone up with 'Like a rolling stone' .............[Www]......oo la la , le vie c'est pas mauvais, hein![Www]

raindog, we may have to have a 'discussion' about his best album? lol[:P]

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Raindog, you, Wilco and me.......................... I doubt if there's enough interest for a 'dylan thread'[:(] even if Will joined us , it would only be four

But just to leave this thread on an upbeat note.......... a few more appropriate words from Bob;[geek]


"well, John the baptist, after torturing a thief,

looks up at his hero, the Commanding Chief...

saying, "tell me great hero, but please make it brief.....

Is there a hole for me.........to get sick in!

The Commanding Chief answers him whilst chasing a fly..........

saying, "death to all those who would wimper and cry....."

and dropping a bar bell, he points to the sky....

saying, "the suns not yellow....................IT'S CHICKEN!"


I think that's enough of Bob for now.................vachement un dommage![:(]

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He's such a mumbler though.

I prefer a good baritone, clear as a bell.

Roger Whittaker, now there's talent! I'll take his sweet whistling over Bob's whiny harmonica any day of the week. [;-)]

All together now: I'm gonna leave old Durham town...

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Bones I think some one needs to put your lead on and take you out for a walk [:D] you would mumble if you had tha many drugs inside you !!  But what a mind , what a depth of soul.......  I spent my youth thinking that man knows just how I feel........... How that was now , buggered if I know [:$]


****** was not a rude word !! bug in red  ed 

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We are still talking about Roger here, aren't we?

I blinkin well hope so!

Dylan, I never really got into him to be honest. I listened to a couple of his albums as a teenager, I loved his edgy acoustic stuff but the electric stuff sounded a bit too, well, middle of the road for me to be honest (bear in mind I was 15).

Recently, however, I've been thinking of tracking down some more of his stuff, now that I'm ancient myself. 35! The horror...

So, Blonde On Blonde is a must if I remember correctly. I had a copy of Highway 61 but can't remember liking it much, so that will also have to be procured. Any other suggestions?

Has anybody seen that strange new biopic of old mumbles? Meant to be interesting.

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Have you heard" blowing in the wind" excellent , you should try to you tube a few of his songs, he went though a few odd periods in his life, I think if you dont know him well the wrong choice of his songs would turn you off , But he made many classics  

for you bones

Post edited by the moderators for copyright reasons. Link to the lyrics: http://www.bobdylan.com/songs/blowin.html

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