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Anybody from the Gard, Hérault, Drome, Ardeche, Lozere, Vaucluse, or Bouches du Rhone

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There’s been some talk on the Forum about get-togethers elsewhere in France. There are relatively few of us in these parts and ‘gardengirl’ and I, together with our respective OH’s, thought that it might be good to arrange something down here.

Nothing special, nothing formal: just a civilised lunch at a restaurant. We have a mid-April date in mind and a good venue (c.€30 pp) in the general vicinity of the Pont du Gard (10mins from jct 23 on the A9).

If you’re interested in joining us (we’re going to do it anyway!), you’d be more than welcome.  Just pm or email me.

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Oh Gardian, I've just GOT to tell you.  Years and years ago, I saw "A Doll's House" in a small provincial theatre in Somerset.  In the story, the woman was waiting for a letter to arrive and she went on a bit about this letter.

Well, wouldn't you know, there happened to be a postal strike.  I whispered to OH, but there's a postal strike on, she isn't going to get her letter today!

Surprising how a whisper can carry when the acoustics are good....[:$]

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[quote user="Pads"]Shame to far for me ....

Still any one local to carcassonne we could also have a meet ....guess it will be me , twinkle , chateau miow and johnzob again...[/quote]


And me ....we never did get that meeting before I left the UK.  Now only 30 mins to Carca - so next time you're over ..... we should meet....

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[quote user="Pads"]Nah she's a purrdy cat really ...you just have to stroke her the right way


oh errr misses! [:D]

I want to come too but it's a good few hours drive... maybe I'll have to have a mini-break down south [Www]

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Rose im out in March with better half but out in June on my own if you fancy a weekend at my place I'll do a picnic and invite twinks CM Johnjob so you can meet them too? Place is a dump... even worse since we pulled a wall down ...but I can offer you a clean bed and a clean bathroom... ??
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[quote user="Pads"]Nah she's a purrdy cat really ...you just have to stroke her the right way

Well Im over on the 7th March Judith , will probally be in Carcassonne for the market on the saturday if you fancy a coffee?[/quote]

Well, wouldn't you just know it, that's the week I'm planning to be in the UK!!  Typical!!!

Not booked yet, depends on how this stupid cough bug I got develops (as visiting my 95-yr old aunt so don't want to give her anything nasty!), so we'll see how it pans out.  If, not, the next time with luck.

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[quote user="CeeJay"]Good idea, we are in Herault fairly near Pont du Gard..................but..............30Euros each for lunch!!!!! Obviously we move in different circles, sorry!! back to the good old 8 to 10 Euros in our small town.


I think we are talking different sorts of lunch here.  For a good quality, gastronomic level lunch around here we have to pay at least 25€ and that's a discount for a large group (20 min usually) with a specially prepared menu with limited choices.  The 8-10 euros are the sort where you have a very limited choice, with relatively basic (and probably cheaper) food.  Fine for everyday eating  out - but for a celebration?

When we holidayed over the Avignon / Pont du Gard way, we found all the restaurants were pricier than those we knew in other regions, so it sounds about right for a good lunch.

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Absolutely right Judith.  You've put it much better than anything I might have said, which might have been unintentionally abrasive!

The place we're going to has 3-course menus at €18 & €29, hence the €30 pp guesstimate incl drinks.  A choice of 4-5 items / course and not a frite in sight!  

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I dont think you can judge a resurant by its price ....I have had some pretty grim 50€ meals and then for 12 € had one of the best meals in france I have ever had, which included a starter then beef Bour, chocolate tart and cheese and biscuits with a small carafe of wine ...All home cooked and local. it really was delicious, sat by the lac with the mountain views you just couldnt beat it ..... But I know its rare to find such cheap gems
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