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Is there another lake near Carcassonne?

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When we were last in Carcassonne we wanted to visit the local large lake and after much driving up and down roads we found it , but im not sure it was the one we have seen advertised as that one seems to be nearer the castle and the pictures look different to where we were. The one we found had a pontoon with a building on the end made of wood , it was closed but could of been a cafe and sailing place ? there was a jungle jim for adults in the trees, and a large house near the dam side . I think we left carcassonne in a north west direction to get there , but dont rely on that as I have no sence of direction but it seemed quite a way out of town. The one I have seen advertised seemed to have views of the cite and seemed bigger with more beach area , So is there another one ? TA[:)]   
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Hi Pads

I think you're probably looking for the Lac de la Cavayère (or Carcassonne Plage) - I found this which may help you:


We've not been there yet, so I can't tell you much about it - I've seen the signposts for the cut-off on the road near the 'Cité des Oiseaux'.

I also found this post in response to an earlier enquiry about picnic areas near Carcassone:

[quote user="Audois"]Try Carcassonne Plage as it's been named - Lac de la Cavayere, just behind la Cite off the rocade - head for Montlegun and you'll find it.

Alternatively go up behind the hospital on the rocade and there's a road continuing on, turn left off the road onto a track along the vines, down there is a field overlooking the autoroute with a fantastic view of La Cite[/quote]

Good luck and I hope you find it next time [:D] 


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Yes Lac de la Cavayere was the one we were looking for but weather that was the one we went to im not sure as it didnt seem to be any where near the cite at all.  But like I said I have no sence of direction . From the photos I had seen of it before I went I thought it would be bigger.[8-)] Although it was very nice and made for a good walk.

Thanks any way[:)] 

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It sounds to me like you were at the lac Cavayere. As far as I know this is the only lake in close proximity to la cite. There is another nice lake up in the black mountains and one near Chalabre. I think it was probably clever photography that made the beach look larger and photoshop that made it look like it had a view of la cite! Its still a nice place to go especially with kids  - tha adventure playground thing is for all ages - there is even one for the under fives. You can also take a pedallo (sp?) out on the lake but I think they are only open weekends and maybe school holidays. Take your own refreshments though, there is a small drinks stall but its opening hours are pretty random!
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A couple of years ago we found this lake near Carcassonne... it was the end of October and we were the only ones there... it was fantastic!  Sadly, I've no idea what it was called!  [8-)]



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Sorry Pads but I have only just found this thread.

It was Lac Cavelieres (spelling) along with the jungle jim park. The wodden building is the new post secorers (first aid post) stuck 1/2 way out into the lake. the winter before last they 1/2 emptied the lake to build that place and then could not open it for swimming the following summer because there had not been enough rain to refill it [6[:-))]]!! the only other lakes near here are in the Black Mountains. There's one at Pradelles, you may have heard of it Pads??????????????? Plus the feeder lakes for the Canal du Midi up above Ravel. St Ferriolle is the largest at 64 hectars and is a lovely place. It is about the same distance to walk around as Cavelieres, but Cavelires has so many nooks, crannies and vallies. It really is a lovely place as are they both.

We saw out first fly orchid a Caveliers last year!! What a lovely sight...

The only water I know of within sight of the Old Cité is the River Aude. Though I may be wrong if someone has a swimming pool within sight?

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[quote user="Pads"]That looks real nice PPS , sad you dont know what its called . Its not the one I went to. Anyone any Idea where this one is ? Johnzob thats not you in the pic with your plane is it ?[/quote]

No nuffin to do wiv me guv! I don't fly over water??? looks nice though. Any idea which direction it was from Carcassonne? N,S, E or West???

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

No nuffin to do wiv me guv! I don't fly over water??? looks nice though. Any idea which direction it was from Carcassonne? N,S, E or West???


Hi Jonzjob... sorry I can't give much more info.  We stayed in a gite between Carcassonne and Limoux... I have a feeling it was bit further south but can't be sure.  We did also go up to the Black Mountains and found a great lake there too... I've asked OH and he can't remember either.  I think it must have been fairly close as we went back a second time it was so nice.  We also went up into the castle on the hill... I've attached another photo of the view from up there looking down at the lake... wish I could be more help!  I love looking back at the photos from that holiday... it is soooo fantastically beautiful... can't wait to come back and visit again soon!  Let me know if you discover what Lake it is... we can revisit again then!


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This is the loverly lake in Pradelles and the view of it from the Pic de nor ,


But I was hoping to find one that might warm up quicker than ours as its so high up .

Id love to know where PPP's if any one knows it looks loverly. Did you go swimming PPP ?

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PPP was the village called Laure? I just found a very small pic on google of a lake that migh of been yours , it looks as if it might of been a little east of Carrcassonne

Johnzob where is St Ferriolle and Cavelieres ?

Well its sunny here for a change so im off the have a cuppa coffee in the garden [:D]

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Laur Minervois is about 4 miles NE of us here. A lovely little village. Nice wine producer too!

Lac Caveliers is about 5 miles SE of Carcassonne.



A wonderful 6Km walk around it. We go there every now and again. The chateux is in need of a fair bit of TLC though.

St Ferreol is between Saisac and Revel, nearer Revel. Another lovely place. It was the first thing built to do with the Canal du Midi and it supplies water for it. 64 hectares and about 150 feet deep in the deepest by the near side of the barrage. The winter before last we saw it empty for repairs. Nothing lasts these days, it was only built in the mid 1600s![:-))]



There is a lovely big house on the far side of the lake there too. set in open grassland. Nice walk around there too with a smashing resturant for lunch at the end of it at the cross roads at the top of the hill from revel, La renaissance... Nice drive through to Saisac and St F. When we come back we usually take the road that goes past the barrage and off up into the hills. 2 reasons, 1. the views have to be seen to be believed and if it is really clear there is a stunning view of the 'Pair-of-knees' mountains to the South. Reason 2. right up on the top there is a wonderful radio controlle glider flying site!![6] and if anyone is flying we usually stop for me to have a chat.

This would have been posted earlier if we hadn't been in the pool. Celé too. She loves it and makes such funny little noises as she is swimming. Just for the record, Celé is our 9 year old chocolate labrador!!!

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Ah now Im confused , the picture of the lake with the house is the lake we went to , It had a jungle jim in the trees. and wooden building on a pontoon.  Is this not the one that we were talking about earlier ? is there another one nearer to the cite ? Is the one near the cite walkable from town.?

We have been to the one nr Revel but only stopped for a quick 10 min walk as we were going to Revel that day for lunch and we were hungary , it was half empty the day we went last year in August, but we will go back to that one again it looked nice . 

Lucky you id love to play in a pool with my balloo, cant wait to get her in the lac............do you not clogg up your filter with dog hairs?[8-)]

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[quote user="Pads"]

Ah now Im confused , the picture of the lake with the house is the lake we went to , It had a jungle jim in the trees. and wooden building on a pontoon.  Is this not the one that we were talking about earlier ? is there another one nearer to the cite ? Is the one near the cite walkable from town.?


We are talking Lak Caveliers here Pads. They have an outdoor excitement centre where you can swing from the trees and be BIG AND BUTCH with perfect safety. Loadsa safety ropes.You can now even do the 'death slide' across one of the legs of the lake. In our minds they have gone a bot too far and if they don't desist they are going to spoil things for everyone that does not want to be a bloody tarzan!

The pontoon is concrete, but that's the thing they half emptied the lake for the winter before last. Now a very ''''''unusual'''''' looking first aid post!

So far our filter has stayed in a working condition after a Celé swim. A few hairs, but as she is still getting rid of her winter coat, not bad at all. Wait till the pump is of and net it out, net result (sorry?) very good...

You didn't need to go to Revel for your lunch. That restaurant I mentioned is very good and we will be going back there soon. They greet us like friends now and before we get any service there is a bowl of water for Cellé...

Edit :- I have just had a look at the site posted above and had a laugh at the report that it was closed in 2005 for a 'strong algea bloom', hows about 'only half full after emptying it to build the first aid post and it didn't get the rain to fill up again for the new season'. The local buisnesses were not amused!!! During that time we walked around it several times and the water was lovely and clear...

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The lake with the chateau and jungle jim is definitely Lac Cavayere, just up from the Industrial Area and not far from La Cite - access driving with La Cite on the left, past the turn off for the bird display and then right off the main road and past the turn for the Australian park. Signed from there on.  Cannot think of another one nearer to La Cite.
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Hi S, you forgot the bakers on the left at the right hand corner in Montallou. [:D] (this is the biggest smile I can find[:D]). Perfect directions!!!

I must get down there when they are having the ladies beach volley ball champs [I][6]!!

Seriously though, it is a lovely place and a wonderful walk. If you don't feel up to walking right round the complete lake you could always walk 1/2 way and then walk back?[Www]

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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm pretty sure this is the lake at Puivert which is about 15 minutes away from both Chalabre and Quillan and the Chateau was the one at Puivert also.  It looks pretty familiar to me as it's a lake not too far away from us.  There is a play area for children, tennis courts and a little buvette (snackbar) there in the summer months.  There's also a gliding school close by and it's about a 35 minute drive from Limoux.




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You mean this one Fiona??


Quite a way from Carcassonne though, but a lovely part of the country. That is one of the things we love most about living here. It is so varied, everything from dry lakes, plains, hills, mountains and all in between.

A dream!!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...
[quote user="MajorM"]This lake looks very much like the one at Puivert as there is a chateau there very much like the one in the photo,   The glider being towed off is also a givaway.     Don't tell any one, as it's a secret [/quote]

MajorM - it's been a while since I asked about the lake in the photo but yesterday, on our long drive back home, our route took us through Puivert... as we passed and I looked up at the chateau and then I saw the sing for gliding and then of course I saw the lake and yes... it was indeed our lake! Now I know where it is we can plan to revisit on our next trip down south [:D]

p.s. well done also to Jongleurs/Fiona... who also spotted the lake [:$]

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Hi Pads - it was indeed a post from way back when [:)]

We didn't go searching for the lake, we just happened to drive through the village and there it was.. destiny of course [8-)]

We had a lovely time thanks, we went to the African wildlife park near Narbonne and son loved it... indeed we all had a great day there.  Went to the Fortress at Salses, Collioure, Port Vendre and we took the Yellow Train up into the mountains... sadly it broke down half way up (believe it or not because of snow of the track [blink])  so we were taken back to another station and had a taxi take us to our destination... then we had a coach for the return journey.  There was very little snow around and the driver was explaining how unusual it was and how folks were very worried that it would effect the tourist trade.  Howeever we did have a nice day, walked into Spain for lunch and back to France for the bus home.

We also explored Maury a little, very pretty countryside... and went up to the chateau at Queribus... fantastric views from the top! There were so many things we could have done but we sadly ran out of time... but there's always the next time!

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