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moving from uk to france NEED FRIENDS


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Hi everyone..... just wondering if there are any mums out there west of Paris around the Ramboulette area. Im moving over with my husband who is fluent in French.  he has been working in Paris during the week and returning to us in the UK on the weekends.  so we decided to move to France.  we have a 3yr old and a 10 month baby.  The whole move is scarring the hell out of me as I dont speak French Im worried about my 3yr old fitting into the local French school.  I just wondered if there are any English speaking familes I could at least open a line of communication with in that area????  we are moving to a village called Villarceaux outside Thoiry.

lisa muir 

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The Women's International Club is a network of women, nearly always English speakers but many nationalities.  The Paris one is at


I'm a member of the Languedoc Roussillon one, and whilst I wouldn't want to spend all my time socialising with only the members in WIC, it is a useful introduction to people who know the area better than you do, and a useful way of making new friends.  The clubs often have languages lessons / courses, (the Bordeaux one defintitely does), and various social activities (varied according to the wishes of the members who run then, such as walking, eating out, cooking, sewing) so certainly worth a look and see if you like them at all.

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