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Anybody interested in coming to a plant swap where you could turn up with your selection for swapping at a central location to all ? A bit like that on gardeners world but slightly smaller scale!

Ideas could include

Individual or divided plants put into 4 inch pots/ bags

eg grasses / alpines etc etc

Pond plants

Or even produce eggs / tomatoes etc

I'm thinking end of Sept early Oct for an hour one Sunday

If you're interested please PM me with your general area or nearest large town and in a week or so I'll let you know the numbers coming

By the way strictly no money to change hands

And encourage your French friends to come !
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Oh Jane

Miam Miam as my 2 yr old would say - chutney perhaps aswell ?

Thanks for the reply !

And thanks Will - is there a way of seeing a list of events the association run on the internet perhaps ? and do they get enough support for the swaps ? any tips anyone ?

Thanks again
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[quote]Oh JaneMiam Miam as my 2 yr old would say - chutney perhaps aswell ?Thanks for the reply !And thanks Will - is there a way of seeing a list of events the association run on the internet perhaps ? and ...[/quote]

Cal, Mrs Conq is on the AFACTP committee and is away for a few days, so I can't really answer. I've never been to one of the garden events but think they are well supported by some very keen people. I agree it would be good to see events on the web, and have suggested that (even offered to host it on our Normandy site) but this is luddite France after all; the thinking seems to be that if people can read it on line they won't want to subscribe to the newsletter
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Hi Cally,

Hope you are all well up there in Villedieu .... we are still hectic and all over the place - Jody has made the break and has just practically moved over to France!  I am now the breadwinner in Jersey - im temping at the old place I used to work.  Its a bit of a pain with Bosley etc but its a means to an end.  Just a bit longer.

Anyway, I think a plant/produce swap is a great idea.  I have 2 weeks holiday the last 2 weeks of September but wont be around the first week of october ... however i think its a great idea and something that could perhaps be organised on a regular basis. 

I would also like to see the ACTAP or whatever they are called's events to be advertised too.

I will keep my eye open to see when/where it happens and maybe send Jody up.  We have loads of eggs.  We are going to be getting rabbits soon adn also ordering some pigs for next year which is exciting!

Love to Sam and Lucyxx

Mandy Jody and Bos

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Hello Mandy & gang

Lovely to hear from you , I keep meaning to email you with photo of Izzy etc

It was good to see you the other week and the children had a nice time - I meant to say your home made cider was great I would be very proud if I had produced it, and I think you could make some money selling that if you wanted .Glad Jody has made the break and I hope things aren't too stressful for you commuting etc

Also funny you should mention rabbits as there seemed to be alot at Villedieu market today - mostly the red ones that they seem to eat around here

love Cally

p.s perhaps you could start a plant / produce swap in your area when you finally get time

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Hi -

I'd definitely be interested in a plant swap but my problem is, I have very limited plants to swap as we've only been here a few months and gardening is not a priority yet. Removal of the corrugated roof and replacement with a slate one is.

But I may have some stained glass mirrors and candle holders etc by then so if that counts as home-made produce...! Count me in. I'm near Sourdeval / Mortain so Villedieu / Percey would work for me.

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