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Informative forum...thank you

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Hi, Just like to say thanks for the infor on the forum (topics). New to the site and enjoy reading some of the postings. Hope in time I can add some info and share.

Our (holiday) house in Normandy has just gone through, needs updating, but no major work (thankfully). Any forum gatherings in Normandy around Christmas time? I see the other areas meet up from time to time.



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My goodness - somebody else in 27!!! I thought nobody else was in this area!

We're going out tomorrow to sign the act authentique on Saturday and will be the proud owners of a columbage barn to renovate near Beuzeville - can't wait!

I've found the site excellent as well - my nightly read through of useful and amusing info keeps me sane.


27 too!
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Hello Sue,

I am not aware of any English pub. Cormeilles, as you know is not the largest place & I am only aware of:

Main street : Le Sulky & Bar Normand, Main square has a bar, Bar Harras is around the back street. These are all very French. It sounds like a story from a George East book?

The new Champion supermarket is a big improvement on the old one. I always think the supermarket + the selection of shops is very good for a village of 1100 people. They must rely on passing trade to earn a living.

If you fancy a meal out, we recommend Le Florida resturant which is half way down the main street on RHS (as you approach from Lieurey). Family run, great food, service is steady so be prepared to make an evening of it.

It was just over two years ago when we took a weeks holiday in a gite @ Lieurey. Up until then we had been like many Brits, off the boat, onto the autoroute to find the sun. We realised what we had been missing and decided to invest in the area. We looked all around and visited houses in Lieurey, Tiberville & Beuzeville before finding our house. We needed a propoerty that needs TLC rather than a wreck as we are not able to devote the time to a rebuild.   

The gite we stayed in was on the route de cormeilles 2/3 of the way between Lieurey & the bypass on RHS.

We are maison secondaire owners, r u the same or are you resident in Lieurey? 



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We too are based near Lieurey - towards St Georges du Vievre. Maison secondaire, well to be truthful a very slow barn conversion. For "city life" we tend to go to Pont Audemer rather than Cormeilles largely because when we first came to look around we stayed in a B&B near there and got to like the old town.  

We also like the Monday and Friday markets in Pont Audemer - sitting outside a cafe watching the world go by on market day is one of lifes pleasures.

The character of the area has changed very much since we first came here. It's become very popular for Maison Secondaires for people from the Paris area. I guess with the opening of the new autoroute that trend will accelerate. One of our neighbours likes to say that he has dinner in Paris and goes to bed in Normandy, with the new road it will be even quicker for him.

Best Regards



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Hi Alan,

Pont Audemer is much bigger & better than Cormeilles for shops. We use it a lot, Hyper Champion, Brico & Intermarche, Flash 2000, Lidl etc.

We have been to the Monday market on a number of occasions. Drinking coffee @ the cafe de la risle & buying the sausage from the stall outside. The very thought make me wish we were back @ our house. Roll on Xmas hols!

Good luck with your conversion. It seems there are quite a few 27's on this forum.


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Hi Sue, Alan, Robin,

Flash in PA seems to be a good visit and have bought some cheap items. Again our property needs just some TLC on the inside and a dab of paint on the outer bits. Not up to major DIY projects, but who knows what the walls will give up in a few years time!

Rented a cottage in St George when we property hunted, super place with a typical French square.

We are not far from Conches and the shops are good, have found a cafe to sit and watch the world go by. The last time in France we found the boules park/court (?) and look forward to watching some games in the warmer months. Seems as though 27 has a number of us in the area.


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Just come back from 27 this afternoon - house is now ours! Yippee! Well, shell with new roof being put on over Christmas is ours - home to be, hopefully habitable by summer. We've so far managed to 'find' Cormeilles (think its lovely) with a brief trip into Pont Audemer (which seems nice and looking forward to revisiting and investigating in the new year). Our favourite so far (slightly out of 27) is Honfleur and its only 10 mins from us. Lovely to hear of other people in 27 - maybe keep this thread going so we all get to know more about our 'home' area?


(now very broke, but loving it!).
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Hi Ewa,

Seems like you had a good time. I never get much pleasure from leaving and always very much look forward to the return.

We also like Honfleur, I now have many photos taken there through all the seasons. Also, we like Deauville beach, brill in summer & a prom on Sunday afternoon in winter is a popular pass-time.  

Good luck with your new venture.

Robin Wolf

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I know what you mean about not wanting to leave - even if it was colder in 27 than here in chilly Devon :-( We had a great (if stressful) time - the notaire had a great sense of humour and even saved us some money (the previous owners wanted us to pay for the geometre's services, but the notaire insisted this huge bill was split 3 ways as they were splitting their property into 3). We were so relieved once this was all over...

Deauville beach is fab, as you say, lots of lovely piccies of Carter (our Golden Retriever) on his first visit abroad in August - looking at those makes me want to pack my bags right now... We prefer Trouville for meandering though (albeit in summer - not tried in winter). Seems less fake than it's snazzy neighbour - but I'm not complaining as we can enjoy both!

All of our neighbouring towns here in Devon seem to be twinned with somewhere close to our new home in 27 and its really strange driving through say Pont L'Eveque with a road sign saying Ottery St Mary 357 miles (Ottery is about 5 miles from us here in Devon)...!

Any other nice towns or villages anyone can recommend - or restaurants/bars? We're back in 27 in early Feb and I hope it's not as chilly then as earlier this week (am I living in false hope?).

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Le Petit Coq au Champs at Campigny near Pont Audemer is excellent as are the-Cochon D'or and La Poste in Beuzeville. The bar opposite La Poste is a lively venue for an early evening drink even if it is a bit smoke filled. Le Canel in Pont Audemer is good if a little unconventional and for a good cheap meal Le Victor in Pont Audemer.

The Belle Isle sur Risle in Pont Audemer features in many guides but the food we have had there has been mediocre, including dishes still frozen inside while the outside is microwave piping hot, and it's expensive.

For us the real treat is the Hotel de France in St Georges du Vievre - very simple but good home cooked food in a restaurant just about big enough to swing a cat in.

Something I'm keen to try is dinner at one of the restaurants around the dock in Honfleur in mid winter sitting outside under the heated canopy. We are going over next weekend so maybe we'll get the chance to try one out.

Many speak highly of the Auberge in Bec Helouin but we've always found it very unwelcoming. In Lieurey we've been warned off Chez Joel by a number of people so haven't tried it. We tried Les Fauveries on the road between Lieurey and Cormeilles once and it was not a good experience but our neighbours recommend it so maybe we just had an off evening.

We haven't tried any of the restaurants in Cormeilles so any recommendations would be welcome.

Best Regards


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Hello all in 27

We have had a couple of nice meals in the Hotel in Lieurey.

Can any of you tell me if there is a van hire place near Lieurey?

We also originate from Devon Ewa  me from a little village outside Tavistock (Horrabridge) and hubby is from Plymouth.

Hoping you all have a great Xmas and a wonderful 2005.


Sue (27)

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Hi 27's

Ref eating in Cormeilles. As I said before, we rate Le Florida, half way down the main street opposite the Mairie. 2 menus + a la carte, family run & you can book. It gets full on a Saturday evening so often people walk towards the village square and visit the pizza resturant -- le petite venoise. This is good if you like food with an Italian influence, which sometime makes a change. This is a cheaper option for an evening out. Also rated is the Auberge du president (opposite Champion s/market). We have never eaten here but it has a good reputation.

Robin Wolf  

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[quote]Le Petit Coq au Champs at Campigny near Pont Audemer is excellent as are the-Cochon D'or and La Poste in Beuzeville. The bar opposite La Poste is a lively venue for an early evening drink even if it i...[/quote]

Alan, We had a couple of lovely meals last week in Honfleur (the Ascot - the chicken off their 22 euro menu is to die for - and a pizzeria in the lovely St Catherine quarter). No outside seating at present so couldn't enjoy this aspect yet but I can imagine with all the Christmas lights switched on (they were up, but not on, to my dismay) and wrapped up warm, outside meals would be delightful.

Sue - we are based in Colaton Raleigh, between Sidmouth and Budleigh Salterton (God's waiting room!) in East Devon, although originally from London via Oxfordshire, we love it here and only France (and sometimes Italy) drags us away! When you think about it we are so very lucky really.

Thank you all for these recommendations (especially as we've only tried a small handful of what has been mentioned) and will look forward to trying some (or all) out in the new year. We had a lovely meal in a small restaurant in Foulbec (thanks to our builder!!) it's on the corner opposite the church (but can't recall it's name). Fabulous 4 course lunch for 18 euros a head - yum!

Cheers all - Ewa
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Hi 27's,

I see the number is growing.

I agree about Le Petit coq au Champs-Campigny near PA. Lovely surroundings and meal was excellent and staff very accommodating. This was the first time we had tried Calvados there.

There is also a nice, lunch-time place in Beuzeville, just off the market square, trying to rack my brain for the name of it.

Honfleur is on our list to do in the warmer months as so far just enjoyed coffee on the pavement area watching the artists and the world go by. There is one artist (female) who paints a tiny cat in all her paintings. Honfleur has a lovely public park just a few mins walk from the harbour area. Exotic plants with plenty of seating for viewing.

Have visited a few markets and found Evreux has some good local produce; cider tasting was on offer. Brionne's market in the summer was heaving with seafood and veg. Off to 27 next weekend...cannt wait.



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The proprietors of the Petit Coq are a good source of information regarding renovation. They have had their own house outside Campginy renovated using traditional methods and have a photographic record of the conversion of Le Petit Coq itself.

The Hotel in Lieurey is the Bras D'Or where we also have had a good meal although it was a bit lonely with just us in the large dining room.

The Friday farmers market in Pont Audemer is always good for a visit. We are over next weekend but have to go on the Sunday so will be visiting the Monday market to buy our Christmas goose. With any luck it will be sunny enough to sit outside on the pavement at the Cafe de la Risle to have a coffee while watching the world go by. A visit to the fromagerie and chocolatiere (sp?) in the Rue de la Republique will be a must as well.


Best Regards


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Hello everyone,

With great interest I have read your comments on this forum. I am a Dutch women and will move to Lieurey in spring 2005. We have bought a place close to the village itself, direction St Georges du Vievre. I am interested in any experiences re: living in Lieurey and immediate environment, and more specifically: integration with the French people, development of the region (tourism, economy). Thanks in advance. I hope to be able to contribute myself once we're settled...

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[quote]Hello everyone, With great interest I have read your comments on this forum. I am a Dutch women and will move to Lieurey in spring 2005. We have bought a place close to the village itself, direction ...[/quote]

Welcome Marty

As you probably read we have a house just outside Lieurey a little place called Le Moussel which is on route to St Georges.

We like the village very much it has a lovely un-complecated feel about the place and the people are very friendly and helpful.

Although we are not there permanantly when we do visit we find plenty to see and do.

Good luck with your move in the new year.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi to all 27's,

Any good Christmas stories??

We visited our house, lucky following the big storm the house was in one piece but the Sat Dish need €50 worth of repairs.

We got to know our French neighbours better this holiday & I am allowed 2 kisses on each cheek (with Madame). I think this is good going, I need to practice some more ready for the next time.

I like this thread, try to keep it going.


Robin Wolf

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We went over the weekend before Christmas and stayed until the 22nd. Last year we bought a fine goose in the Pont Audemer Monday market and thought we'd do the same again this year - but no geese. Luckily we were in Beuzeville on Tuesday which is market day and managed to buy one from a lady from a local farm there. I noticed the foil package tied to the side of the bird and assumed it was the gibblets. ON Christmas Eve as I was about to prepare the bird for the roasting pan I realised it was the head wrapped in foil, still attached to a fine sturdy neck, which in turn was firmly planted in the body.

As a townie I've never had to get the neck off a bird before. Luckily my dad is a dab hand and talked me through the process over the phone. The neck and gibblets made some fine gravy (with copious quantities of wine) and the goose was delicious.

I was particularly impressed by the Christmas lights in Cormeilles and other towns. Cormeilles almost rivalled Oxford St and the Mairie in Lieurey was a real picture.

For future reference - for Christmas the bakers in Lieurey on the Cormeilles road make Calvados Truffles which were very reasonably priced (half the price we paid in the chocolate shop in PA) and were the best chocolate truffles we've had in a long time.

The bad news was that the roofer still hasn't started work!

While I'm on that topic - I need a concrete floor laid - has anyone used any of the local builders? I've been warned off the largest firm in Lieurey. I did think of doing it myself with readymix but it's too much to do on my own and by the time I've paid for friends to come over and stay it is unlikely to be worth my while.

Best Regards


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Hi 27's,

good to see the thread is growing.

Spent just over a week in Eure just before Christmas. We had a fluttering of snow which lasted a whole half hour. Looked a picture in the garden as we looked out of the window with a roaring log fire inside, supping a glass of wine.

Neighbour, whom we had only ever seen dashing by in his car, came walking through the gates with gun and two dogs yapping at his heels. Feared the worst and thought one of the family must have tried their French out on him and perhaps put the wrong accent on something...should I run for cover I thought. No..sent wife to the door instead. Neighbour then handed over a bird from his shoot that morning. I heard a few mumbled sounds from the doorway and off the neighbour went still with his dogs yapping at his heels. Must admit we were touched by this generous act. Must return the compliment next time we are there.

Happy New Year to all 27's....


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Hi all 27's,

I have just made a note of all the resturants in the earlier part of this string, hope to use some of them this year.

Looking forward to our 24 hour "booze cruise" visit this weekend. It will be great to see our house again, even if it is for a short stay. 

Robin Wolf

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We also have a house in 27. We also thought we were one of the few, but it seems not. We have a holiday home in Brionne. The area is great, it feels like you are miles from tourists and in "real France". However we dream of finding a plumber who turns up.


Paul and Maria

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I live and work near Lisieux, but I have a holiday cottage just between Beuzeville and Honfleur - and I can thoroughly recommend the Relais de Poste in Beuzeville  - where we had one of the best meals Iwe've ever eaten in France. 

I recently sold two houses in 27, both to lovely English families - I must tell them about this forum thread (one family is in between Lierey and St Georges du Vievre, and the other nearer to St G).  I believe there is a lovely museum about the Resistance movement in the region - would love to know more about this!

I also have agreed to help sell some furniture from one of the houses, if anyone wants to e-mail for more information....




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Hi to 27's + 14's,

Just back from our 24hr "booze cruise" to cormeilles for £9.98!

Not a lot of time but well worth it, if only to get some heat into the house. Relaxed on Sat with a glass of wine, in front of the log fire watching the NRJ Music Awards on TF1..... just perfect.

Woke on Sunday to 2cm of snow, this spoilt the outside work planned in the garden, so we went for a walk before lunch and the ferry.

It seems there is a lot of interest in 27 issues, so we should keep the thread going. The Relais de Poste seems well worth a visit, I will certainly book an evening there later in the year.

Causette, your holiday home must be close to a road that will be well known to a number of us. The D22 which takes us up from the Pont de Normandie up to Beuzeville. It is usually a happy ride up and a sad ride down (en retour).

Looking forward to the next visit in mid February.

Robin Wolf

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