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Waste dump in Nievre

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A lot of occupants of the Morvan are very worried about the plans for a Centre d'enfouissement de déchets ultimes in the Southern part of the Morvan (Nièvre), in La Boue near Rémilly and Fours.

Just a few miles from the National Parc a huge (47 acres) centre is planned for the storage of non decomposable waste (including toxic and low radio active). Local French people are asking non French residents to help protesting.

On Saterday, May 28 (14:00) a meeting is organised to found l'Association Vital Sud-Morvan (Salle de fêtes, Rémilly).
Non French residents are also very welcome.

You can sign a petition! Please contact one of the following people:

Bonnet, Nicolas - Le Mont, Rémilly tel (03) 86309258
Margerin, Jean-Paul - La Boue, Rémilly tel (03) 86502145

end of extract

I Found the above on another forum. Has anyone else seen any news about this? Bit worrying as our house is only about 10 kilometres away not only because of the waste but the increase in lorry traffic to and from the site.

I'd be interested in any other views.


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  • 2 weeks later...
can you let me know which site you saw the information on the dump? i'm glad to see that word is getting out already, and we all hope this landfill will not happen. it'll be the strenth of the people against it that will help prevent it.

the association, Vital Sud Morvan, has officially been founded and has been launched. my husband and i are working on their website. the french version is on hold so there's only a page but the english version is in the form of a blog and has a bit more information if you're interested (i'm trying to transfer the information from a dossier on the subject). we are working closely with the m. margerin of vital sud morvan.

here's the link: Vital Sud Morvan

please feel free to pm me if you'd like regarding this matter.

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Hi Midori

Sorry for delay in replying, been to busy to log on recently.

The info was on a couple of sites - www.burgundyfriends.com in the notice board forum "life in Burgundy" topic "Waste in the Morvan" and also the Dutch Morvan forum at   http://www.12forum.nl/forum/bericht.php?ID=791&tID=88&fID=1

The more people that know about this I hope the greater chance of getting it stopped.


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thanks for the links; i'll put them on the site.

anyone reading this forum and living in the sud morvan, it's so important to show your support by attending the meeting this saturday. journalists will be there and a large crowd would show that people really care to stop the landfill project in remilly.

this is going to be a tough battle, i'm afraid. the landfill company has recently approached 3 sites in france and were rejected for various reasons. but that doesn't mean we should give up - one of the main reasons for getting rejected included strong local support and mobilization.

yesterday, i went on a private group tour to the comparable dump in chezy given to us by the landfill company. i'll be posting more about it on my blog, posting photos and video footage (it'll take a little time to edit it, though). i still feel ill today.

if you can't make it to the meeting, if it's possible to send someone in your place, please do so because that would be the next best thing! thank you.



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