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Did Woke up this morning, feeling blue, This morning, to feel blue, considering a good-lookin ' girl, I awake can it make love with you? Hé, hé, baby, I obtained blood in my eyes for you, hé, hé, baby, I obtained blood in my eyes for you. I obtained blood in my eyes for you, baby, I do not worry only in the world you.


What a good game! How about putting up a translated lyric and other people have to guess the song? Could take over from Googling as a way of passing the office hours...

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This one starts out strongly, but loses it towards the end...


Although you could hear the laughin ', spinnin ', swingin ' madly through the sun, it is not aimed no matter whom, it is escapin right ' on the race and but for the sky there is no facin barriers '. And if you hear the vague traces of the skippin ' reels of the rhyme to your tambourine in time, it is right behind a loqueteux clown, I would not pay him any spirit, it is right a shade which you are Seein ' this it drives out.
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Blowin' in the wind, Mr Tambourine man!

Or how about..

obtain born, hot short trousers of subsistence, novel, learn how to dance
obtain equipped, please obtain the test blessed to be a success it, please it, the gifts of purchase do not fly,
twenty years of schoolin do not raise ' and they put to you on the glance of day shift
out of the kid that they keep it all the best jump hidden in bottom of a light of inspection pit
yourself a candle do not carry the test of sandals
to avoid the scandals do not want to be a tramp
you chew better the chewing-gum
the pump do not function ' the cause the vandals took the handles


And no, I don't have anything better to do at the moment, I'm waiting for my anorak to dry 

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This one has good and bad bits......
"there must be a certain exit from here," said the joker to the robber, "there too much is confusion, I cannot obtain any relief. Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen the excavation my ground, any them according to the line know what any of him is worth the sorrow." "no reason to obtain has excited," the robber, it spoke, "there are much here among us who estimate that the life is but a joke. But you and I, we were through, and this is not our destiny, thus do not speak wrongfully now, the hour obtains late." All along the turn of guet, princes kept the sight while all the women came and went, domestic with the naked feet, too.

.........what fun! I warned a couple of my language students off using babelfish only last week! Can now use this game as a shining example of the dangers - thanks!


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I actually have a report to write but am lacking a little motivation on a cold Friday Afernoon

Here is one from Lennon and Mcartney


I don't know why it goes up high

so she should think two times

it straightens by me


before she manages to say goodbye

she should think two times

it straightens by me


it has a ticket to go up

but she doesn't worry


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[quote]This one has good and bad bits...... "there must be a certain exit from here," said the joker to the robber, "there too much is confusion, I cannot obtain any relief. Businessmen, they drink my wine,...[/quote]

All along the watchtower
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Not B.Dylan, this time, but E. Idle. I can only say, in my defence, that it's Friday afternoon,I've finished work, I've had a S*** week and this has really cheered me up!! Thank you!!
Some things in the life are bad they can really make you insane of other right things to encourage you to swear and curse. When you chew on the cartilage of the life do not maugréez, do not give whistle and the things of assistance of this' ll prove for the best... And... always glance on the luminous side of the life... Always look at the side light one of the life... If the life seems putrefied merry there is something that you forgot and it must laugh and smile and dance and sing. When you feel in the discharges are not purse right of idiotic idiots your lips and do not whistle only the thing. And... always glance on the luminous side of the life... Always look at the side light one of the life... During the life the completely absurd final word and of the death takes place which you must always deal with the curtain with arc. Forget your sin - give the assistances that a grimace appreciate it - it is your last chance in any event. So much always look at luminous side of just dead before you draw your final breath Piece of the life by s*** when you look at it a laughter of the life and a joke of death, it is true. You will see that it is very fine of laughing support of a subsistence of exposure ' because you go remember just that the last laughter is on you.
(Moderator's note: Ha Ha Ha !! )
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There I have a beautiful group of coconut which they are a position in a line large small some as large as your principal gives them a flick a torsion of the thats of wrist what the showman said.

One of Billy Cottons greatest hits:-  I have got a lovely bunch of coconuts there they are a standing in a row big ones small ones some as big as your head give them a twist a flick of the wrist thats what the showman said.


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Weedon - Since you brought Billy Connolly into this I thought I would have a look at how the great bard himself ( and the haggis) would be treated -

"Yir of the honest just faw, the sonsy copes, Big chief of clan oh' the puddin runs!
Aboon them a' however place of the yir of the tak, Painch, tripe, or thairm:  Weels are you the verbose o'aw honor Like lang my airm."

To most on this forum it probably makes as much sense as the original !!





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[quote]Weedon - Since you brought Billy Connolly into this I thought I would have a look at how the great bard himself ( and the haggis) would be treated - "Yir of the honest just faw, the sonsy copes, Big...[/quote]

Git awar wi yew.

Ma fella nae ar wee scottie ma fella carries a baldie heed and comes frae Lundon toon.


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[quote]I see that you finally obtained your hat of box of pillule of leopardskin which you look at thus enough in-Honey can I jump on top formerly? it balances on your head like matress on a wine bottle a r...[/quote]

That's hardly fair Chris,

Brand new leopard-skin pillbox hat doesn't even make sense in its original form

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This one was done through Reverso - any guesses on the title?
Clue - His Bobness wrote it but I don't think he ever recorded it.

The old man sailin ' in a boat of boat the over
There old man is below baitin ' a hook
On to
Go there demolishes the man on a hook of feeding
Going the man of drive to the brook of feeding
Oh ouais!

Now, he(it) is below this apple breast-feeding the tree
Oh ouais!
Under this apple breast-feeding tree
Oh ouais!
It is the Aude

(Dunno where the Aude comes from - it isn't in the original).
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I've had complaints from The Addiction Research Foundation.

So no more boobel from me so try this:- in 'Waterloo Sunset' by the Kinks the line is sung ''Terry meets Julie Waterloo Station, every Friday night'' who were (allegedley) the couple concerned-?

not many people know this....

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Mona - Light My Fire!
On a slightly different tack - Flanders and Swann......
Oh which the English is noted for his has sing-cold, which translated average its usual cold strapping. For He likes its pipe and the push rods and the missus and the grips and is to him to age simply happy. And he never says a word if he can help it, but under him all he has a gold heart. It is unmoved completely by atomic bombs and rockets with the sun. And it never speaks the abroads for him simply is not made. But when the cricket begins its not controlled fury. The English with his usual cold strapping!
Chrissie (81)
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[quote]I've had complaints from The Addiction Research Foundation. So no more boobel from me so try this:- in 'Waterloo Sunset' by the Kinks the line is sung ''Terry meets Julie Waterloo Station, every Fri...[/quote]

Terence Stamp & Julie Christie
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Just in case anybody hasn't got a clue about what was going on a couple of posts above (and I wouldn't blame you), the song was 'The Englisman is noted for his sang froid, which translated means his usual bloody cold'. I think the title is 'L'Anglais avec son sang froid'
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