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[quote user="Dago"]Now then,  I am an ex squaddie and Daryl was probably a 'ruff tuff' Para or something.....[;-)] [/quote]

No way Dago, why jump out of a perfectly good aeroplane that's going to land anyway? Try the Senior Service with a geen lid.

Did you get my reply to your email ?

PS: Nice Photo!!! [8-|]

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[quote user="daryl-et-elaine"][quote user="Debra"][quote user="daryl-et-elaine"]

In answer to Debra , because I wasn't![8-)]

[/quote]But why be insulted at the suggestion?  That's an insult to squaddies - and for all you know, there may be many squaddies or ex-squaddies on this forum who may be insulted that you are insulted at the suggestion that you might have been one......! [/quote]

Here we go again!! Debra, please don't take it out of context. There are other services within the armed forces other than the Army. There is, and always will be good humoured banter, name calling and "insults" between each service, and within each service.

Perhaps I should have inserted a [:D] but I didn't, perhaps I should have gone on to clarify my post, but I didn't.  I now consider myself to have received a severe wigging and when I go aloft to Fiddler's Green no doubt I'll suffer the consequences. [;-)]

[/quote]It was a tongue in cheek thing daryl, taking the mickey out of the whole thread really, like how people can get upset about the slightest of things - maybe if I knew how to add smilies in all over the place you might have realised that!! [:D][:D][:D]  (There - I just figured it out, just for you! [8-|])

PS: Hubby just walked past and says Dago must have been in Queen's Regiment - is that right, Dago?  (Doesn't he look all sweet and innocent in that photo??  Or am I just getting old?!)

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I've got a brother-in-law who's ex-SAS trainer.  Mad as a box of kippers.  His time in the army and what he did screwed his head up big time.  Frightening bloke to try to have a quiet beer with.  Scares me and my other BIL to death.  Never know if he's going to kill you or the bloke at the next table for breathing his air.

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[quote user="Debra"]

PS: Hubby just walked past and says Dago must have been in Queen's Regiment - is that right, Dago?  (Doesn't he look all sweet and innocent in that photo??  Or am I just getting old?!)[/quote]

Thanks for the tongue-in-cheek[:$], and glad you've worked out the smiley button![:D][:D]

Rumour has it that Dago is now selling autographed copies of his photograph.[:D]


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Yes Dick, it is now the Princess of Wales Regiment but back then it was The Queen's Regiment, neither sweet nor innocent but escaping from a stay at HRH's convenience. Yes Daryl but I was trying to protect the innocent, after all who would want to admit to being a 'Bootneck' [:D] sorry, my last post seems to have driven us all off track, but do I sense a general feeling of friendly banter creeping back into the forum[B]

Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense  'Shame be to him who thinks evil of it'



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Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense

Very good french Dago! (Smile!!)

Quite apart from this, I am enjoying all these little tangents off the main thread.

It shows that with the keyboard as a tool and (for some of us perhaps a little liquid refreshment) we are doing the same as if we were at a party or other such type of gathering. The conversation starts on a random subject and naturally goes off track, sometimes comes back on and wanders off again and so on and so on....

The one saving grace, on the internet, is that the 'usual party bore' doesn't seem to be around or if he is, he will not amit to it and will possibly sign himself quietly off the thread and go elsewhere, leaving alone those of us that want to keep rabbitting on whatever it was we had started from....

Sorry don't remember that bit...

So where were we lads and laddesses ?...

Mine's a glass of Chablis, what's yours it's my round....
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Quite right missy!  Only problem this evening is that there is no-one to flirt with, so if Chris Head doesn't get his dusty Sorrels over here by 10pm I'm leaving this party!

Miki or Dick might liven the place up a bit - even KKK would I'm sure if she could drag herself away from the footie long enough!

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By the time I joined the Queens Regiment it had just changed to from being the Home Counties Division and was made up from the 1st Battalion The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment (1 Queen's), The 1st Battalion The Queen's Own Buffs (2 Queen's) 1st Battalion The Royal Sussex Regiment (3 Queen's)  and the 1st Battalion The Middlesex Regiment (4 Queen's) I trained at Canterbury and joined the 4th Battalion (Middlesex) and then when the 4th was disbanded I went into the 1st Battalion (Surrey's)

here endeth my military history, as my wife says and my friends wives too, this is all so bl**dy boring, can't you lot talk about anything else?



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[quote user="Dago"]By the time I joined the Queens Regiment it had just changed to from being the Home Counties Division and was made up from the 1st Battalion The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment (1 Queen's), The 1st Battalion The Queen's Own Buffs (2 Queen's) 1st Battalion The Royal Sussex Regiment (3 Queen's)  and the 1st Battalion The Middlesex Regiment (4 Queen's) I trained at Canterbury and joined the 4th Battalion (Middlesex) and then when the 4th was disbanded I went into the 1st Battalion (Surrey's)


  Hi Dago,

    Ahh, thought I recognised the Albuhera collar dogs !!    "Die hard, 57th, die hard"


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[quote user="missyesbut"]The one saving grace, on the internet, is that the 'usual party bore' doesn't seem to be around or if he is, he will not amit to it and will possibly sign himself quietly off the thread and go elsewhere, leaving alone those of us that want to keep rabbitting on whatever it was we had started from....[/quote]

I'll just get my coat and be off ...

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[quote user="irnbru"]I don 't see why you are apologising for your "jaundiced" critique of teachers, JohnM. Seems to me a perceptive and generally appreciative view of teachers as such. How you feel about them as patients is another matter![/quote]

Oh, but it wasn't an apology... heaven forbid that anyone ever thought I'd apologised over anything [:)], it was just an explanation... someone else has rightly (IMHO) posted to say how important explanations are. If we know what factors have contributed to an opinion being reached, it is far more useful than just posting and sticking to, a point of view.

(Actually, apologies are one thing that I can usually do without difficulty - I hope / think I'm strong enough to be able to admit fallability)

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I'm afraid you'll need to go back to page 13 or 14. I gave an opinion and an explanation, Irnbru commented that I didn't need to apologise for the view and then I read somebody elses view that explanations of opinions were important so I decided to explain the reason for my explanation. In hindsight I should have let it lie as the topic had moved on. But hey we all make mistakes, sorry for confusion the issue.


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