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Description of Prescott on TV today..........................


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Ho ho ho my sides are splitting I wish I had worn a corset this morning, how amusing ...  NOT

I bet whoever wrote that would not say that to his face.

The press and people who do not know him and have never met him like you I suspect Bugbear, like to take the piss because he is an easy target, I have worked for him and despite his physical appearence he is a very efficient manager and a great motivator, and maybe, just maybe the Tory press actually know that he is the driving force behind a lot of what actually happens and gets done in the UK (despite what the Daily Mail and Torygraph would have you believe, it is actually a darn site better in the UK than in 1996). 

Because Prescott gets things done, kicks arse and bangs heads together and does not bow and scrape to the journalists who tyhink that they run the country rather than an elected government,  that is why they snipe at him at every opportunity.  I have great admiration for a man that has come from being a steward on a boat to being the deputy prime minister and also for John Major neither of whom were born a silver spoon in their mouths or went to Eton.

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Ron, all I can say is that there must be two John Prescotts.

The one I know of  (two, jags, no job) is a total P**t.

It's true, I've never met him, which is perhaps as well, because I can't think of anyone I'd rather punch in the mouth................................

As for being good at his job, he hasn't actually got a job........................

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Ron is right, Gary, JP has gone a long way as a working-class lad, he has been a real power in government, and has actually made a difference, if nothing else in maintaining focus on the social inclusion agenda, which will probably prove to be the most lasting monument to this government.

He does have a job, but it is largely concerned with the co-ordination and delivery of other departments' programmes, so he doesn't get wheeled out too much.

You have swallowed the Tory line, I am afraid...

Did you see what Alex Ferguson said about a society which was only prepared to mock and never make a positive contribution?

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It wasn't me he tried to bully but he was trying to enter a restricted area and I wasn't prepared to let him as he had no legal right of access (this was many years ago when he was in the seamans union. not an MP) Being denied access he threw an amazing display of rage, I thought there was going to be violence, then turned on his colleagues, shouting and swearing at them to try and get his way.  They looked terrified. If that's not bullying then pick another word but in any case I never had respect for him after that.
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In another world JP would be deemed assertive and you a jobs worth.  Do you really believe that you become a leader by being a wimp?

Where I worked the full time union rep gave a Manager a Glasgow kiss for barring his way, that my friend is bullying .[:P] 

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JP has come a long way, and should be respected for that, and I believe he was once a force for the good. But someone like him can only trade on his roots for so long, there does come a time when you have to be judged on current performances. I used to think he was the only good thing about the Labour Party. I am afraid since 1997 he has demonstrated he can be little more than a common thug. I am not surprised the press have a go at him, he is the most condescending and patronising politician the UK has (and that takes some doing Edit: perhaps I should revise this - just heard the dulcet tones of Margaret Beckett, ok so he is one of two of the most ....). Judging by his performances, he can not answer a question without blaming the media or the Tories, or even throwing a punch. Not a strategy to be encouraged. I detest the way he (and TB is as bad) always tries to dodge questions by saying the country is not interested in that question. And, despite being in power for how many years now, you would think by the way he does respond (if anyone is ever lucky enough to get something that can be called a response) they came to power a few months back. Its been said before - you can only knock the previous regime for so long ....

While both JP and John Major are both 'done well' lads, IMHO power did not go to JM's head as much as it has so clearly done with JP.

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I can't believe that I'm defending Prescott.

"even throwing a punch."

To be fair, I think the only time he threw a punch was when someone ground an egg into his ear. I think many of us would have reacted similarly.



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I don't know if it was the only time he threw a punch and I'm sure many would have reacted in the same way, but its hardly a way to act when in the public eye.  Surely lead by example, its hardly a way for a politician, a man of importance who aides the decisions of a country to behave.

Did he get prosecuted in the end?

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I may be wrong but I did think there was more than one occassion where JP lashed out with his fists - but I can only think of the incident to which Hoddy refers. Whatever, I am not sure it is an appropriate response who ever you are. It may be an urge we all get when confronted in taht sort of way, but I thought I was taught to reign in urges like that. The real point, however, is that it shows JP acts before he thinks - and we have many, many incidents of that[:)]

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"Funny how the deputy job attracts the dodgy ones. Remember Thatcher had Heseltine."

Actually she had Willy Whitelaw for most of her premiership and he was remarkably good at tuning down her more extreme impulses. ("Every premier needs a Willy" as she remarked).

It was John Major who was landed with Hezza.

Ron - there are plenty of other politicians who have not been to Eton. For example the claret-loving Roy Jenkins was a miner’s son and David Davis certainly had no silver spoon in his mouth. I admire Prescott for having got to where he has - but regard him as yet another of Tony Blair's over-promoted cabinet colleagues. Indeed as I have rabbitted-on far too often on this forum that I think the tragedy of Tony Blair, as a reforming Prime Minister, is that he had so few able colleagues in his government.

John Prescott may well be an effective behind the scenes operator - but I think this is for the Labour party rather than for the government of the country. Sadly as Secretary of State for Transport he was out of his depth as he has been in his other ministerial roles. He was important to Tony Blair when he came to power, as it proved that Old Labour were on board the New Labour project but he has always been given roles where he seemed doomed to fail - I wonder how deliberately? Remember that as the figurehead of Old Labour he was a leadership rival.

One thinks back to Harold Wilson, who when he came to power extolling the "white-hot heat of modern technology" appointing the arch technophobe trade unionist Frank Cozens as minister for Technology.



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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

Go on give us one or two examples.  Apart from having an affair with his secretary[kiss]


Didn't she say that making love with him was "like having a wardrobe fall on you with the key still in the lock"



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