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Connecting Internet Radio to Teleconnect WiFi


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Despite the fact that my background is in radio communications, I have only just heard about Internet Radios. This was wonderful news to us, as the BBC has diverted all its shortwave programming to the Arabs.

So we bought a Roberts Internet Radio. Trouble is, it will not connect to our Teleconnect WiFi router. It connected with no trouble to our neighbour's Orange Livebox. I have been in touch with Teleconnect, who tell me they have never managed to connect a Roberts (and it's not as if they are rubbish - they are one of the tops) Internet Radio to a Teleconnect router.

Does anybody have any experience of this problem?


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[quote user="BigWalker"]So we bought a Roberts Internet Radio. Trouble is, it will not connect to our Teleconnect WiFi router. It connected with no trouble to our neighbour's Orange Livebox. I have been in touch with Teleconnect, who tell me they have never managed to connect a Roberts (and it's not as if they are rubbish - they are one of the tops) Internet Radio to a Teleconnect router.

Does anybody have any experience of this problem?[/quote]

I've used the Aldi/Lidl special "reciva" internet radios quite successfully, connected to a variety of Wi-Fi routers. The issue tends to come down to the security protocol being used by the router. Starting with the easy stuff, can the radio actually detect your WiFi router? If not, you may need to ensure that the router is broadcasting its SSID whilst you set up the connection. Are both using the same security (WEP/WPA or whatever)? Is the router filtering by MAC address? Is the router allowing new devices to register?



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The radio does detect the router. When I put the WEP code in, it tells me it is connecting - it tells me this for the next hour.

I have had no trouble connecting laptops to the router. I have had no trouble connecting the radio to the Livebox of a friend.

The radio can connect to WEP or WPA, my router uses WEP.

Presumably the router is not filtering by MAC address because all our laptops and the desktop are PC.

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[quote user="BigWalker"]Presumably the router is not filtering by MAC address because all our laptops and the desktop are PC. [/quote]

MAC address stands for Media Access Control address and has nothing to do with MAC vs PC.

It is an added layer of security which only allows wifi access to the addresses listed in the router.

The router may have been set to be filter access by MAC address as well as using WEP or WPA (mine does just that)

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="BigWalker"]Presumably the router is not filtering by MAC address because all our laptops and the desktop are PC. [/quote]

MAC address stands for Media Access Control address and has nothing to do with MAC vs PC.

It is an added layer of security which only allows wifi access to the addresses listed in the router.

The router may have been set to be filter access by MAC address as well as using WEP or WPA (mine does just that)


I assume that is something which could only be changed by Teleconnect, who did not offer to do so. Hopefully they will come up with something in their discussion with Roberts.

One of the things this kerfuffle turned up is that my router is faulty (it cuts in with a load of static on any telephone call, after about one minute), which is something I have been telling them for ages. So they are sending me a new router. When it arrives and I have installed it I will get on to their support to see if they have come up with a solution yet.

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Your both sort of right. The MAC address is a unique identifier of a NIC (Network Interface Card) and every card in the world has a unique MAC address, the first three digits usually (99.9% of the time) identify the manufacturer. Again 99.9% of the time the MAC address is actually burnt in to the card, often referred to as BIA (Burnt in Address). A lot of manufacturers use the next three digits to identify the specific card in their range. It is quite possible that the MAC address of the radio which may for instance say 'Roberts' is not recognised as a bonafide MAC address so the router won't 'talk' to it. Having said that it may be something else which is what I am thinking. The radio will need an IP address, if you know what that is then you can try and 'ping' it from a PC connected to the same network and see if you get a response. If you can do that then look for some free software (I think HP does some) that will interrogate the Roberts and tell you how its set up, you can then compare that to the routers setup. I would suspect that the radio is set to get its IP address from the router in which case you can check to see if the router is configured as a 'dhcp' server as well although I suspect it will be.

Good luck

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  • 4 weeks later...
Having completely failed to connect the Internet radio to Teleconnect modem/router, and Teleconnect having failed to follow up on their promise to speak to Robers "technician to technician" to sort this out, I am leaving them for another supplier.

I know my radio will connect to an Orange modem, but a better solution is to go for one of the packages supplied by AS24 Telecom. This excellent company is run by Andy Martin and I have known of them for some time. However, until recently, they did not supply broadband systems. Now they do.

They put me in touch with one of their customers locally, who kindly allowed me to try the radio on her system. It worked perfectly, so my application is in to AS24, to supply me with broadband, and to take over my France Telecom line (they deal with any and all problems, in English).

They are very, very helpful and I would not deal with anybody else for any of the services they supply.

My letter of resignation is already winging its way to Teleconnect.

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