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Forum Member cooperlola


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Thanks Big Mac.[:)]

Just a brief update as yesterday was a bit of a landmark.  I actually walked for the first time since the accident.  Yes, it was a few tiny steps between parallel bars but hey, you've got to start somewhere....  A "pass out" for a few days over Christmas looks increasingly likely - it will be the first time I've seen my home, my moggies and my dobbins since the beginning of August.

Sadly, the one who won't be there to greet me is the wonderdog Troy who had to be put down last week as he had kidney cancer.[:(]

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Thanks you two.  I should appologise for not posting much and for the fact that I owe P.Ms and letters to many people.  The truth is that  my right hand is still far from OK and writing and typing are a terrible bore - I get cramp after five minutes or so.   But this is improving so hopefully so will my response rate.

I am so sad about Troy - hard to believe he's not at home waiting for me to get back.

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Just to update all those who have been kind enough to take an interest.

Last Thursday I took a few tiny steps between the parallel bars.  Yesterday I used a walking frame for the first time and today managed a circuit of the physio room on it.  I'm going to be allowed a couple of days at home the weekend after next, subject to a few essential pieces of kit turning up to make the day to day "tasks" feasible!  I've just been given a brand new fold-up lightweight wheelchair so it will go in the car.  Funny when Zimmer frames and wheelchairs suddenly look appealing, isn't it?

My right hand is still not operating too well so I must appologise to all those kind souls who've written to/phoned/pm'd me.  I really will thank you all personally eventually.  I truly do appreciate it in spite of my lack of individual responses to date.

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As Ernie says, I am sure there is no need for personal thanks. Keeping up with your progress is uplifting enough for some of us, and they must be many of us who imagine your "baby steps" as you take them. It's fantastic that you will be allowed home for a couple of days, it will seem very strange to you to be there after all this time. Bon courage, every centimetre forward counts!
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You just wiate till you get yer GT Zimmer! The one with the low profile wheelz on it!! Then you will definately be taking the 'racing line' to every corner!

It's fantastic to hear how you are getting on and when you really get it together then you should be able to fill the tubing of yer GT with yer favorite tipple and not get dehydrated on yer manouvers?[:-))]

Good luck Coops and thank you Coops2 for all the info!

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote user="cooperlola"]  All has gone well and the zimmer and I return home this evening for a couple of days.  [/quote]

Just the news I had been hoping to see! Fantastic, so they ARE letting you see your home for Christmas after all. No way will the cats have forgotten you, or at least they will remember when they see you...

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Who knows Coops, Father Christmas may bring you something like this:


or this:


or THIS!!!


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No, no, Coops wouldn't want the ostentatious gold-plated affair.

I think just the basic model suitably souped-up would be just the ticket.

Coops, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second time in our relationship when I'm going to send these [kiss][kiss][kiss]

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[quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="cooperlola"]

I like the top one, Ernie, but it could do with slicks....


No point in slicks, its jet powered.  Best wishes for Christmas and a full recovery in the new year

Au contraire, you need as much rubber as possible in contact with the road.

Forgive me cooperlola, we have not met but i have been following your story and good to hear your sense of humour. The cats will remember, especially if you go armed with the tin openner!

Merry Christmas

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[quote user="teapot"][quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="cooperlola"]

I like the top one, Ernie, but it could do with slicks....


No point in slicks, its jet powered.  Best wishes for Christmas and a full recovery in the new year


Au contraire, you need as much rubber as possible in contact with the road.


Only for traction, no traction via the tyres if its jet powered. Dont even consider cornering with this [:P]

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[quote user="cooperlola"]I like the top one, Ernie, but it could do with slicks...[/quote]I though you might like that one Coops. Apart from the obvious advantages of the jet engine you can even light your fags from the exhaust !

It goes without saying that it comes with a pair of full wets and intermediates of course [:D]

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[quote user="ErnieY"][quote user="cooperlola"]I like the top one, Ernie, but it could do with slicks...[/quote]I though you might like that one Coops. Apart from the obvious advantages of the jet engine you can even light your fags from the exhaust !

[/quote]I have not had a fag since the accident, as it happens, although that's not to say I won't again.  There are 200 unsmoked Gauloises at home for a kick off.  However, until the pound picks up again it's my contribution to the Cooperlola economy.  That and having my board and lodging paid for by the secu and my (thanks be to them) top-up insurer.
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