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Complete France Forum

Stitched up by the RBOS


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Often I've considered the demise of the Labour Party in Westminster if the Scots went for complete independence.  NO more Scots making legislation for the English which do not affect Scotland.

But now with the Royal Bank of Scotland  scandal, half a TRILLION's worth of debt for all UK taxpayers.  And from a Scottish registered bank too, and now all taxpayers must cough up.  What if Scotland had become independent ?   The debt would be theirs!  And we would be rid of the Scottish mafia too.

I should mention nothing against most Scots, some Scottish blood and my surname too, just an aversion to being colonised by incompetents.


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[quote user="Théière"]1%, don't worry after the general election that will all change and the banks will make a big profit and pay back the government who will reduce the debt a tiny bit and the rest of us will just keep paying [6][/quote]

And our grandchildren too. Sounds a bit like WW2 debts to me.


ps do we have a 'tongue in cheek symbol' , and why can't I do these?

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