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Anyone tell me what 'Enable Post Mouse-Over Popup' means?  I've got it disabled.  What happens if I enable it?

Also, my PM setting has disappeared.  How do I get it back?  I've got all the email notification boxes ticked.


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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Aaah! What it does, is it allows you to place your cursor over the title of a post and the first couple of lines come up in a little yellow box. It's been annoying me for ages, but I didn't know how to turn it off.


It's not doing it for me yet.  Going out to a garden fair in Alençon now so I'll see if it's taken effect when I get back.  Meantime, if you know where the tick box is for PMs please let me know.


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Well, I keep seeing all these posts where people say 'I've PM'd you' and then later the person they PM'd will say 'That's very sweet of you' or something equally ... and I was feeling a bit left out. So I wanted to PM myself to say what a good bloke I am then send a public message agreeing and thanking me.


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No, no, sweeties.  It's just I know I'm never going to win an Oscar so I may as well make the most of this moment.  Now I vant to be alone ...

Phil, close to bears

PS Promise to be back to normal tomorrow, not necessarily a good thing.

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Can anyone confirm that the views heading in Private Messages means that the intended recipient has viewed the message? Or are there others with viewing privileges? It's just that on one of my PM's I had 8 views and 1 reply.

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It means somebody has viewed it but not necessarily the recipient.  Every time you open a PM in your own browser it will be counted as one view.  Open it 5 times and it will register as 5 views.  No idea if Forum Admin have viewing rights on PMs.  I notice the PMs I received yesterday had 3 views each - I only looked at them once myself, so I've no idea who the other viewers were!


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I don't think that can be right Cassis. The moderators don't have access to private messages or emails and no-one from admin would have been around yesterday. Very strange.


Edit - I don't think admin has access in any case.

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