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Complete France Forum

Mugged in Paris Metro...

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The first time I ever stepped foot in Paris was on the platform of Gare du Nord.  This was around 15 years ago.  I had one toddler and one sleeping in a push chair.  I had literally just got off the train when we were all nearly knocked off our feet by a huge man going at 50 mph chased by two policemen and a rottie. 

As another poster has said, Paris is a large city with its good and poor areas.  There could be trouble anywhere and you simply have to have your wits about you. 

Personally, I have always felt safer in the city.

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quite, some parts of Paris are more dangerous than others, metro or no metro.  I'd say, off the top of my head, some of the 18th, round the porte de Clignancourt and Belleville.  My BIL and SIL live in Paris and have never been mugged in the metro, but how does that help.  It doesn't mean a thing, perhaps they have been lucky.  There is no reason to be scared to go to Paris.  Avoid going on the RER D going out of Paris towards, it is well known for nasty incidents, but you wouldn't want to go there anyway.

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