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Speedferries Deal Extended

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Why use Speedferries. Forgive the following diatribe.

Due to illness I had to cancel my Speedferries trip, phoned them on their O870 number and was told that I could have the booking "parked" until I could use it.

Several long phone calls to 0870 on hold to try and get the booking activated, two e-mails with an auto response "that I could expect an answer in 3 days" without answers, I'm giving up.

Why promise an answer and not give one is worse than just being ignored.

Speedfrerries Customer Service does not warrant the word "service".

I want a supplier with whom I can have a dialogue.

P......d off, Truffleman

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It depends on your point of view and your desire to save money.

I regularly book with Speedferries and with their latest offer, you could change the sailings for any other, at no extra cost.

Whilst I appreciate that the Speedferries call centre is slow and I believe this is their only failing, if I ring P & O, they want to charge me at least £10 for every booking change and the web site booking page never seems to work.

I have booked 4 Speedferries trips for next year - total cost £200. A normal return with P & O in high season will cost more than this, so Speedferries prices (unlike the customer service) are not in doubt. Oh and by the way, I'm a P & O shareholder who doesn't use them anymore, purely because of their high prices.



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Can't argue with price but surprised to read someone say slow Call Centre is only fault. I have made 5 return crossings with SpeedFerries over past 18 months and they have steadily got worse. The scheduled departure and arrival times seem to mean very little, largely it seems because of the haphazard management of the loading of the vehicles. Last time it was like watching something out of Keystone Cops at the Dover end.  The Captain always manages however to come up with some new mumbled excuse for the delay.

The company also seems to rank bottom of the pecking order at Dover in terms of priority - ferries always being given precedence. 

As a result, any advantage of a supposedly fast crossing is often lost due to silly delays, even in excellent weather conditions.

Shame, really, because with a little more attention to detail, it could be a very good service.

Or have I just been very unlucky?

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With one craft and a shoestring operation, Speedferries will never be able to give a comprehensive service. What they do offer is cheap and cheerful.

If you are a clock-watching, deadline-driven , operating to tight schedules , forget them.

If you feel that you want to be part of a new approach to budget travel, saving a few bob, then join the party!

The really interesting point will come when they need to generate a decent return on investment , and provide an all-round service. Can it be done at their current price levels........??????

How much messing around will people put up with if prices need to rise?????

Will the long awaited second craft ever arrive? because with a fleet of two or three crafts the service should improve, the gaps would become less obvious, but the overheads would start to rise.......



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"The company also seems to rank bottom of the pecking order at Dover in terms of priority - ferries always being given precedence."

Having seen the prog on BBC1 in Jan mentioning unfair tactics used by their rivals i can't help but wonder if this is caused by their rivals and out of their (speedferries) control.

Do think you've been unlucky as i've used them 7 times in different seasons but have never been more than 5 mins late....so far....!!

From my viewpoint, going to Boulogne a) puts me closer to my destination and saves 20 min in driving down from calais and b) is quicker to get out of than Calais as less cars disembarking at the same time.

I have noticed they are getting busier and busier though with each trip i take.

The 2nd speedferry may yet come....
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