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Speedferries Supertrip Ticket


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In February I purchased a 10 single trip ticket with Speedferries, I thought it was a good idea as we travel at least four times  year.  When I tried to make my first booking I was told that they do not take motorhomes on these tickets, I must have missed that somewhere in their terms and conditions, ours is 4 cm. too high anyway.[:(]

They will not refund any of the purchase price but said that I can transfer the ticket to another person.

The price of their 10 trip tickets is now £250.00  I paid £210 or rather 307 euros.

Is anyone interested in making me an offer? 

I have since booked a return trip with Norfolk Line (they were cheapest) does anyone have any information regarding their ships etc?

Mary D

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i nearly bought those tickets at the time but i could,nt fathom out if i could use a large vehicle paying the extra money,the website made out you could,but when i phoned (had to wait 12 minutes for a reply)i was told i could,nt use them for a large vehicle even if i paid the difference.i pointed out that it was very confusing,and also added i did,nt think it was on waiting 12 minutes for someone to answer the phone ,i was so annoyed as i had been a big fan of speedferries and wanted to use them exclusively to offer support to the fight the pirates campaign they had been running so i sent an email off to the m.d.explaining i was a regular user,i had,nt complained when they charged the extra fuel allowance,had,nt complained when the shop was never open,or the undrinkable coffee they sold,and asking if they were going to run a fight the pirates campaign,they should get their own house in order,got a reply a WEEK later,which more or less said that speedferries did,nt have a lot of staff and this is why they were cheap,as opposed to the other companies who were the pirates,anyway i booked with brittany ferries,and next trip will be with l.d lines,i have just recieved an offer off norfolk line and will try them the next trip after that.moral of the story spread your trips around and dont stick with one company,because when push comes to shove they are like politicians if you get my drift
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