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st. martin buzzard?

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Busard Saint-Martin is a Hen Harrier in English, the other bird which looks very similar is a Busard Cendré which is a Montague's Harrier, both are present in Deux-Sevres. 

We are on the one hand very fortunate to have 20% of the Harrier population of France in Poitou-Charentes, but on the other hand it is a great responsibility as they are suffering terribly as a result of modern farming methods. These and other ground nesting birds, Little Bustard, Whimbrel, Stone Curlew, are something that the LPO and Groupe Ornithologique des Deux-Sevres are actively involved with, it is something very close to my heart.

There are schemes, with compensation, for farmers to manage their land with these birds in mind, it is 50:50 funding with every euro put up by the French state matched by the EU.  

It is unfortunate, to put it mildly, that this year a large number of "new" farmers signed up to this scheme, only for the French Gov. to renege and not put up the money. The Little Bustard is particularly important as a RED LISTED species in danger of extinction in France, almost all of the migratory LB's in France are in Poitou-Charentes (for now, but maybe not for long).


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