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dangerous words


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Sorry, I must be dim  but I didn't get the bit about j'ai eu.

Then there is the village of Montcuq which causes great amusement when visitors don't pronounce the q.   Apparently French people photograph each other next to the roadsign, in a suitable position.

I got confused with decede as in dead and des CDs as in music CDs.


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my visiting French students love the sign at my local UK garage  'air con £60'

they always get their picture taken pulling all sorts of faces, holding a sign with   'air con £0'

also like to have their picture taken in the centre of Loughborough by a street sign  'The Conneries'

In Surrey there was a place where they sold sheds - there was a large sign with  'FREE ERECTION'

and exactly opposite a sign with 'soft verge'. 

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[quote user="odile"]trying to work it out - can you give us the sentence/context?

One person pointed to a conifer and wrote P I N on a piece of paper, I just added an E on the end.  They thought it was hilarious, I joined in the laughter making a mental note to check the dictionary later.

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[quote user="NormanH"]' habite'
as in the joke about the ascenceur
'tu mets ta main où t'habite'

more seriously I have problems with making the difference between nasalised vowels, such as
tente/tante "démonte sa tente" could be misunderstood.

although down here it sounds more like  veng et vang I can't do those either..

I had a problem with that too.  I was waiting for a castle to open at the top of a hill village in Provence, when an elderly lady went past, saying "il fait chaud - heureusement qu'il y a du vin".  I was looking around for the wine and wondering why she thought wine was such a good thing when it was so hot (I only drink red, which is hardly refreshing).  But then I decided to ask her again, and then realised it was wind she was talking about.  I love that accent - I wish I could do it.

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