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French Island Prisons ( Papillon )


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Artsole ......Society is being given the wrong message when it comes to crime .....just look at the longest running TV shows ..Emmerdale ...Eastenders  Coronation Street .....,most of the main characters  in these shows seem to pop in and out of jail as a matter of course .......What a message to put out to the kids watching them  .....Prison is just some place you go off you  every now and again ....as seen on the soaps  where crimes committed are a part of everyday life ....I havent counted them all but the number of characters having    " done time "  put together in these shows must run to double figures ?
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I'm afraid I disagree Frederick, currently a character in Emmerdale is in prison and it is hardly being painted as being glamourous, what is more the effect on his family is also portrayed in a derogatory sense. In Eastenders 'Jase' has been in prison and is anxious to avoid going back and Deans stay was hardly painted with a rosy glow.

In Corrie  Kevin Websters detention was shown to have consequences - to his family, his business etc........  what do you actually want to see ?

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[quote user="Frederick"]Artsole ......Society is being given the wrong message when it comes to crime .....just look at the longest running TV shows ..Emmerdale ...Eastenders  Coronation Street .....,most of the main characters  in these shows seem to pop in and out of jail as a matter of course .......What a message to put out to the kids watching them  .....Prison is just some place you go off you  every now and again ....as seen on the soaps  where crimes committed are a part of everyday life ....I havent counted them all but the number of characters having    " done time "  put together in these shows must run to double figures ?[/quote]

Frederick, I would suggest you stop watching 'soaps' if you are going  to think like that...........................there are plenty of sites on the web that give much more realistic statistics and realistic ideas about crime and punishment.[:-))] All you've done since posting this thread is respond with a narrow-minded, judgemental and un-informed stance.............and I think that no matter what other people say.................you are too entrenched in  your own beliefs about why there is too much crime etc[:(]

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