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Hunting Season


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[quote user="Catalpa"][quote user="Suninfrance"]"Where is Wen" - I'm surprised she's not been back defending her plans.

Be afraid, be very afraid. [:-))]

Pretty much the first time I encountered a Wen post, she was explaining her payback method for intransigent or merely incompetent immos... or maybe it was notaires... don't quite remember now. It involved faecal matter (the contents of nappies may have featured) stuffed into envelopes, addressed and mailed...[+o(]

Edit - in the interests of accuracy - Wen actually said:

"This is what I would do. Send these cretins a card, thanking them for their willingness, but not  committment, to do 'business'. DONT sign your signature. As this is France, and anything 'doggy' is welcome here, simply attach a fingerprint dipped in 'whatever' you feel you can bring yourself to do. Me, myself, I have a baby and can avail myself of certain 'matter' whenever I change a nappy. THIS is what my fingerprint would bear on the bottom of that card.  Send similar to your trusty Notaire."


I had a 'Jiffy-bag' parcel arrive today and opened it was great trepidation...........................[Www]

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I believe the season opened about a week ago. [6]

Over time and a number of posts, members display certain attitudes and personality traits in the "community". We're judged - as a person - on them, however fair or not that may be. I get judged, I'm sure. You will be too. It's forum life.

If our comments sometimes (or consistently) veer towards the extremes, we need to remember they're in the archives for posterity... well... at least until the next server upgrade. [:P]

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Eos, this is not at "Wen hunt" as you put it, but Wen's comments sparked up the rest of this thread.  Wen has not come back to defend her comments which I find really strange.  If she has had a bad experience with hunting dogs, then I can fully understand her reservations, but to suggest poisoning them when she herself has small children around it incomprehensible.

I have read some of Wen's other threads, and they follow a pattern which is why some people have asked on this thread "why are you living in France when there is so much about it you don't like".

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[quote user="Just Katie"]

[quote user="Suninfrance"]Did I miss something ??????? [8-)]

It is so nice of Eos to be so defensive and protective of our 'lovely' Wen [;-)][;-)][:D]


You've missed a lot more than you realise if you think I am Wen!




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Eos, please accept my apologies if I am wrong and also for insulting you.  However, it does seem a little coincidental that Wen again tips the apple cart with her childish and arrogant ranting.  Then, hey presto when other members express their anti-Wen opinions, a newbie pops up to her defence.  Also, you have shown no interest in any other thread but quite a passion to defending Wen.


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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

So kind...[kiss]


I was not sure whether she had posted the comment in order to provoke us, or because she had been really wound up by the chasse and just wanted to vent her spleen a bit!  Whatever, you are right - where are you Wen?  Did we frighten you off or have we, and let's hope so, helped to convince you against this course of action?

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All I wanted to know was when the hunting season started !!!!!!

Perhaps each forum thread should have a "ranters" sub thread.  Those who want to make constructive comments use the main thread and those who want to "rant" use the sub-thread.

Wen's comments were over the top and upset a lot of people and no doubt Wen is watching this thread with great amusement perhaps knowing that she has opened up a hornets nest.  Why?  There was no need for that.  Although I am a great believer in people having their own opnions, there are some that are better kept to themselves.

Advocating poisoning hunting dogs was bound to cause friction, but we are still waiting for Wen to substantiate her comments and if she did indeed have a problem in the past then perhaps others might be a bit more understanding.  But to make just that one comment and tnen just disappearing tells me that Wen just likes to wind people up, then sit and watch as the debate escalates. 

Not nice.

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It does sound as if you are SIF. My old man was one for starting a wind up an then standing back and watching and as you say, not nice!

Hunting started here in our bit of the Aude last Sunday and they were out the other morning too. There was some sort of try to have it stopped, by the French, on Wednesdays as the shcools are out that day, but I don't know what happened. Our local butcher is a chasseur, not a very good one by his own account, and he was saying the chasse started on the garrigue Sunday and in the vine fields in the middle of next month. I suppose that's because the pickers don'tlike getting shot.

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I thought you might be Mr Wen, Eos. [:D] Which was chortle-worthy for a few secs, but it didn't really stack up because of your comments in the no turning left thread aka as where the hell has my car gone? thread. As to where Wen is... well, they do have several kids (4, do I remember?) and a business to run... she may have better things to do at the moment.

Re hunting... real hunting... [Www] the start date varies across France. General hunting starts first in the south... and it has... some days later in the middle and ooop here in the north, I think it is the 23 September so we've a few days yet. Even so, wildlife in some places can be hunted earlier - for eg, I believe some water fowl around the coasts of Normandy have been "fair game" for a few weeks.

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[quote user="Just Katie"]

Eos, please accept my apologies if I am wrong and also for insulting you.  However, it does seem a little coincidental that Wen again tips the apple cart with her childish and arrogant ranting.  Then, hey presto when other members express their anti-Wen opinions, a newbie pops up to her defence.  Also, you have shown no interest in any other thread but quite a passion to defending Wen.



JK, I have no interest in prolonging this bickering, believe I am Wen or don't.

My passion was to see the angle at which hunting was viewed and what caused so many posts. I didn't expect to become so involved in this irrelevancy. As a "newbie", it could hardly be surprising that I haven't made many contributions so far although there have been some. What will be more surprising is if there are any in the future!

As the hunting thread deteriorated into a series of what seemed to be personal attacks,  I found it very uncomfortable. I would be very disappointed if writing with that content appeared in my teenagers social networking pages. I also find this uncomfortable. That so many of you dislike Wen through whatever history you share, is not my problem and from now I am ceasing to let it be.


Thank you Catalpa for the sense of humour!



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Hi Eos - I understand your point and we are not "bitching" or having a "Wen hunt".  You sound like you are a very socially conscious and sensible person who would not like some of the content of this thread to appear in your teenagers networking pages.  I agree with you, but if one of your teenagers (or you) were to make a comment such as Wen did, would you not come back to justify that comment.  Would you justify your comments or would you just disappear.  There is no malice in that statement, by the way.

There is no need for you to not make comments on any thread on these forums.  I personally think it is very nice of you to stand up for Wen.  I would too.  However, the initial question on this thread was about when the hunting season started and Wen deteriorated the thread and made a lot of people angry by her comments about poisoning the hunting dogs and that lead to a lot of criticism and rightly so.

If one of your teenagers posted a message like that, would you not be angry and disillusioned?

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