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R.I.P. Juliette Greco


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Hoddy wrote the following post at 26 Sep 2020 11:48:

Am I her only fan ?

Not at all .. I thought she was great .. so effortlessly chic, so casually elegant .. for a young teenager like me in the early 60s she was someone mysteriously French with an allure which to me appeared seemingly unattainable.

Sigh ?
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Yes .. I hadn't known about her early family life before the war so that was an eye-opener.

To hear her talking about her life herself was revealing .. as was her honesty.

Though I could have thumped the interviewer .. he had this ridiculous grin on his face 99% of the time .. he looked idiotic - obviously he was one of her greatest fans/admirers.
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NormanH wrote the following post at 27 Sep 2020 21:21:

That is one of the ones in the selection from the INA in my earlier post ..

Absolutely .. there are many of her songs that I adore .. though 'Déshabillez-moi' and 'Jolie môme' are constant favourites of mine.

Some of her songs remain partially incomprehensible to me .. my French is just not good enough to catch all her words .. so then I have to resort to looking for the lyrics .. which can be a revelation as some lyrical interpretations are far from the mark ?
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I watched the programme with  the French subtitles on...they worked for the songs as well as the rest.

I agree that some of the songs have been  rather 'souped up' by the music, perhaps to make the text more palatable?

That is particularly the case with Belle étoile; the poem paints a very stark picture of a social reality one could still see in cities today,  but the music is 'popular':

'Il fouillait les ordures pour trouver un croûton

""Encore un sale youpin qui vient manger notre pain ""

Dit un monsieur très bien'

Boulevard de la

Chapelle où passe le métro aérien

Il y a des filles très belles et beaucoup de vauriens

Les clochards affamés s’endorment sur les bancs

De vieilles poupées font encore le tapin à soixante-cinq ans


Richard-Lenoir j’ai rencontré



Il était pâle comme l’ivoire et perdait tout son sang

"Tire-toi d’ici tire-toi d’ici" voilà ce qu’il m’a dit

"Les flics viennent de passer

Histoire de s’ réchauffer ils m’ont assaisonné"

Boulevard des

Italiens j’ai rencontré un


Devant chez

Dupont tout est bon après la fermeture

Il fouillait les ordures pour trouver un croûton

"Encore un sale youpin qui vient manger notre pain"

Dit un monsieur très bien

Boulevard de

Vaugirard j’ai aperçu un nouveau-né

Au pied d’un réverbère dans une boîte à chaussures

Le nouveau-né donnait dormait ah ! quelle merveille

De son dernier sommeil

Un vrai petit veinard

Boulevard de


Au jour le jour à la nuit la nuit

A la belle étoile

C’est comme ça que je vis

Où est-elle l’étoile

Moi je n’ l’ai jamais vue

Elle doit être trop belle pour le premier venu

Au jour le jour à la nuit la nuit

A la belle étoile

Cest comme ça que je vis

C’est une drôle d’étoile c’est une triste vie

Une triste vie.

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