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Shops selling Cheap Tat by Region

Dick Smith

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The other thread has made it clear that there are many outlets for cheap tat in France, but are they regional? Here in Manche/Calvados we have Michigan, Foire Fouille, Tatou, and a place selling gifty stuff in Vire that I forget the name of. Mostly sheds on roundabouts on the edges of ZIs.

Opas clearly has different places in PO - what are the specialist tat shops in your region?

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No idea what Noz means, but we have one too; also Bazaarland; and one really odd sounding business whose name has just gone out of my head this second - I promise I will try and remember it, but what with this senior-moment-syndrome I seem to be suffering from at the moment my promises are not worth much.


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[quote user="Dick Smith"]The other thread has made it clear that there are many outlets for cheap tat in France, but are they regional? Here in Manche/Calvados we have Michigan, Foire Fouille, Tatou, and a place selling gifty stuff in Vire that I forget the name of. Mostly sheds on roundabouts on the edges of ZIs.

Opas clearly has different places in PO - what are the specialist tat shops in your region?

there is certainly a Gifi in Royan so not sure it is a regional store.

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Yes, we have some Gifis round here, there's one at Granville I think.

Judie loves Noz, there are two near us, one in Mayenne amd a better one in Fougeres. Don't forget Cadoland.

I think Michigan! (you forget the punctuation mark, Dick) is one of the most surreal, one side a real bad-taste range that would put most Indian-run pound shops in Britain to shame, the other side a builder's merchant.

A favourite name is Le Mutant, which sells mostly cheap food, a sort of down-market Lidl. Would you buy your meat from somehere called that? (incidentally several have a bigger butchery deapartment under the 'Rosbif' brand, which must say something).

The writing is maybe on the wall for the tat shops, one at Isigny-le-Buat has been closed and converted to a restaurant.

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There is still a Fanny shop in St Hilaire - sells those very stylish clothes for the mature Normandy woman (at least when the market isn't in town, and have you seen the price they charge on the market stalls for those big flesh-coloured pants? Over 40€ a pair, blige me)
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I would have thought that the Fanny Shop would have been in St Hilarious... 

I have seen one somewhere, but for some reason the location has slipped my mind.

Julie spends huge amounts of time in Maison in St Hilaire - I think that may be Maisons du Monde - but I've never seen another one, which casts doubts. Near the huge model of an ear stuck out on the pavement, stands about four feet tall. Good job there isn't a proctologist in that street. Almost opposite M. Phillipe's café and his brother's wine shop, where wine shop brother comes out and gives the hard sell (and occasionally free samples) to the customers sat outside the café.


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We've recently discovered "King Kong". It's a sort of downmarket Michigan! We've spotted them in several towns in warehouse-y locations. Tessy-sur-Vire and Avranches on the Granville road, should anyone be desperate to examine the contents in detail. We do buy the kittens fish from le Mutant. Merlu for 3.39 € a kilo is very good value. The kittens weigh 10 kilos now. [:-))] Do you think it's something in the water?

There's a place in Vire next to the depot vente - Ali Baba, maybe? Tat central, anyway.

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[quote user="catalpa"]

We've recently discovered "King Kong". It's a sort of downmarket Michigan! We've spotted them in several towns in warehouse-y locations. Tessy-sur-Vire and Avranches on the Granville road, should anyone be desperate to examine the contents in detail. We do buy the kittens fish from le Mutant. Merlu for 3.39 € a kilo is very good value. The kittens weigh 10 kilos now. [:-))] Do you think it's something in the water?

There's a place in Vire next to the depot vente - Ali Baba, maybe? Tat central, anyway.


You should try Auchan for fish.........2.95 euro per kilo, Ok it is frozen, but if you want to pamper the kittens you could cook it in a bit of milk[:)]

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Here we have Foire Fouille,NOZ,Cash Affaires,Bazar Shop(formerly Land) and other odd ones that seem to be one-offs and disappear after several months. You can find some good things in NOZ whereby they are seized or bankrupt stock of brand names but I drew the line at Bordeaux wine with the stars and stripes printed on the bottles instead of proper labels - YUK! For food Netto is the worst I have found.
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