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French shops are now catching up?


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Got an email from Super U today (I have a carte fidélité) offering promos for chandeleur.  Yikes, just as bad as UK shops offering Easter eggs in January or whenever!

I remember a time when you only got seasonal stuff in the shops and mostly only stuff from your own region.

The retail eagerness to encourage spending is getting a bit tedious, imo.  Mind you, when I first arrived, I missed all the "unseasonal" stuff that I could buy in the UK.  There's no pleasing some folk, is there?[:P]

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Well pomme, it's no wonder then that the winters are mild and indeed today it's like spring here. Mind you, I don't suppose we'll get a proper spring, going by the past few years.  Seems to go from winter to summer and summer to winter without nary a pause for spring or autumn[8-)]

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