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Help please from Reglomobiles users


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If you use Reglomobiles and have set up an automatic prélèvement, would you please explain to me how it is done?

I just about have it all going; SIM card bought, espace client set up, rajouter ligne sorted so it just remains for me to get the automatic DD running in order that I can forget about forgetting to pay them every month.

Is there a special space to do this on their site?  I have looked and tried several possibilities but cannot immediately see how it can be done.

Many thanks[:)]

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I'm not aware of a DD option but you can set it to top up automatically from your bank account. The monthly charge is deducted from your credit.

As I recall, to set the auto top up from your espace client you go to the place where you top up and it gives you the option of a one-off top-up or topping up on a regular basis. You just have to put your bank card number in. There might be a DD option but I chose the auto top up.

You can set your preferences, think I opted to trigger automatic top up when the credit goes below 5€, and to top up by 10€ each time. It works perfectly. I don't have to think about it and a couple of times a year (I use my phone very little) I get a text informing me that they've just helped themselves to 10€ from my bank.

If you can't find it and nobody else comes along, let me know and I'll have a look and see if I can remember what I did. But I'd have to go back to my old computer and hope it remembers my password because I haven't needed to log on to my espace client for years and I have no idea what the password might be.
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I have a Reglo mobile account.  Yes, you have to set up a regular payment on  your credit or bank card, don't think DD is possible.   It doesn't have to be much, I think mine is 10€ when it drops below a certain amount. I don;t use it much, it's the "emergency phone" currentnly with hubby who never uses it! And I think you can state at what level it kicks in .. but don't hold me to that.  I've had my account a long time and only had to change it when the credit/ bank card changed (ie ran out and new one arrived!.  It is where you would go to put more credit in, yes.

This might be what Euro Tr@sh said, but does no harm to have confirmation. 

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Thank you, ET and Judith.  Yes, I remember the bit I saw about recharging your account. Was just expecting to find a place that says here fill in your bank/card details etc.  Will go back and have another look now I know what to expect.  Thanks again[kiss]

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