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Model aeroplanes & book shops in Toulouse

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My other half makes models of vintage aeroplanes from kits and loves visiting model shops when he's in Europe. He always manages to find one eventually but often it takes hours of strolling around the streets. To avoid this, could anyone recommend such a shop in Toulouse please? And whilst he's in there I'll enjoy a couple of hours in a good bookshop (French books), any recommendations?


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LAST EDITED ON 11-Sep-03 AT 12:35 PM (GMT)

Montolieu 11170 is just North of the Castelnaudary to Cacassonne road. So a bit of a trip but probably no longer than it took us to find the car last time we parked in Toulouse ( I got the number of the space right but did not realise they also had colours)

Cannot vouch for English language bookshop but we spent a very enjoyable couple of hours there last spring. Although it is a 'Book Town' like Hay on Wye almost all the shops are normal sized. I picked up a Paris Match from the week I was born which also had an early article on 'Oradour Sur Glenn'

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